


Publication Search Results

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1. Andersen C, Lustri CJ, McCue SW, Trinh PH
Cecilie Andersen, Christopher J Lustri, Scott W McCue and Philippe H Trinh: On the selection of Saffman-Taylor viscous fingers for divergent flow in a wedge, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 987 (2024), no. Open Access, A42 (31 pages).

2. Entwistle HN, Lustri CJ, Sofronov GY
Hugh N Entwistle, Christopher J Lustri and Georgy Yu Sofronov: Asymptotic Duration for Optimal Multiple Stopping Problems, Mathematics, 12 (2024), no. 5, Article no. 652.

3. Lustri CJ, Aniceto I, VandenHeuvel DJ, McCue SW
Christopher J Lustri, Inês Aniceto, Daniel J VandenHeuvel and Scott W McCue: Locating complex singularities of Burgers' equation using exponential asymptotics and transseries, Proceedings A, 479 Open Access (2023), no. 2278, Article 20230516 (26 pages).

4. VandenHeuvel DJ, Lustri CJ, King JR, Turner JPR, McCue SW
Daniel J VandenHeuvel, Christopher J Lustri, John R King, Ian W Turner, Scott W McCue: Burgers' equation in the complex plane, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 448 (2023), 133686.

5. Deng G, Lustri CJ
Guo Deng, Christopher J Lustri: Exponential asymptotics of woodpile chain nanoptera using numerical analytic continuation, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 150 (2023), 520–557.

6. Moston-Duggan AJ, Porter MA, Lustri CJ
Aaron J Moston-Duggan, Mason A Porter, Christopher J Lustri: Nanoptera in higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33 (2023), 12.

7. Carlesso D, Nab JMM, Lustri CJ, Reid CR
Daniele Carlesso, Justin M McNab, Christopher J Lustri, Chris R Reid: A simple mechanism for collective decision-making in the absence of payoff information, PNAS, 120 (2023), no. 29, article e2216217120 (11 pages).

8. Deng G, Lustri CJ
Guo Deng, Christopher J Lustri: Nanoptera in nonlinear woodpile chains with zero precompression, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 429 (2022), 133053.

9. Entwistle HN, Lustri CJ, Sofronov GY
Hugh N Entwistle, Christopher J Lustri, Georgy Yu Sofronov: On asymptotics of optimal stopping times, Mathematics, 10 (2022), 194.

10. Lustri CJ
Christopher J Lustri: Exponential asymptotics for elastic and elastic-gravity waves on flow past submerged obstacles, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 950 (2022), A6.

11. Lutz MJ, Reid CR, Lustri CJ, Kao AB, Garnier S, Couzin ID
Matthew J Lutz, Chris R Reid, Christopher J Lustri, Albert B Kao, Simon Garnier, Iain D Couzin: Individual error correction drives responsive self-assembly of army ant scaffolds, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (2021), e2013741118.

12. Berhane AM, Baldwin CG, Liang K, Moshkani M, Lustri CJ, Downes JE, Stampfl C, Mildren RP
Amanuel M Berhane, Christopher G Baldwin, Keri Liang, Mojtaba Moshkani, Christopher Lustri, James E Downes, Catherine Stampfl, Richard P Mildren: Morphogenesis of mesoscopic surface patterns formed in polarized two-photon etching of diamond, Carbon, 173 (2021), 271–285.

13. Deng G, Lustri CJ, Porter MA
Guo Deng, Christopher J Lustri, Mason A Porter: Nanoptera in weakly nonlinear woodpile chains and diatomic granular chains, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 20 (2021), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

14. Aniceto I, Hasenbichler D, Howls CJ, Lustri CJ
Inês Aniceto, Daniel Hasenbichler, Christopher J Howls, Christopher J Lustri: Capturing the cascade: a transseries approach to delayed bifurcations, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), 8248.

15. Pethiyagoda R, Moroney TJ, Lustri CJ, McCue SW
Ravindra Pethiyagoda, Timothy J Moroney, Christopher J Lustri, Scott W McCue: Kelvin wake pattern at small Froude numbers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 915 (2021), A126.

16. Lustri CJ, Koens L, Pethiyagoda R
Christopher J Lustri, Lyndon Koens, Ravindra Pethiyagoda: A note on the Stokes phenomenon in flow under an elastic sheet, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2179 (2020), 20190530.

17. Lustri CJ
Christopher J Lustri: Nanoptera and Stokes curves in the 2-periodic Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou equation, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 402 (2020), 132239.

18. Lustri CJ, Green CJ, McCue SW
Christopher J Lustri, Christopher C Green, Scott W McCue: Selection of a Hele-Shaw bubble via exponential asymptotics, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80 (2020), 289–311.

19. Lustri CJ, Pethiyagoda R, Chapman SJ
Christopher J Lustri, Ravindra Pethiyagoda, S Jonathan Chapman: Three-dimensional capillary waves due to a submerged source with small surface tension, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 863 (2019), 670–701.

20. Alfimov GL, Korobeinikov AS, Lustri CJ, Pelinovsky DE
G L Alfimov, A S Korobeinikov, C J Lustri, D E Pelinovsky: Standing lattice solitons in the discrete NLS equation with saturation, Nonlinearity, 32 (2019), 3445.

21. Joshi N, Lustri CJ
N Joshi and C J Lustri: Generalized solitary waves in a finite-difference Korteweg-de Vries equation, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 142 (2019), 359–384. MR3938671

22. Joshi N, Lustri CJ, Luu S
N Joshi, C J Lustri and S Luu: Nonlinear \(q\)-Stokes phenomena for \(q\)-Painlevé I, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 52 (2019), no. 6, Art. 065204.

23. Lustri CJ, Porter MA
Christopher J Lustri, Mason A Porter: Nanoptera in a period-2 Toda chain, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 17 (2018), 1182–1212.

24. Green CC, Lustri CJ, McCue SW
Christopher C Green, Christopher J Lustri, Scott W McCue: The effect of surface tension on steadily translating bubbles in an unbounded Hele-Shaw cell, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 472 (2017), 20170050.

25. Joshi N, Lustri CJ, Luu S
N Joshi, C J Lustri and S Luu: Stokes phenomena in discrete Painlevé II, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473 (2017), no. 2198, Art. 20160539 (20 pages).

26. Hall CL, Lustri CJ
Cameron L Hall, Christopher J Lustri: Multiple scales and matched asymptotic expansions for the discrete logistic equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 85 (2016), 1345–1362. MR3511444

27. Joshi N, Lustri CJ
N Joshi and C J Lustri: Stokes phenomena in discrete Painlevé I, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471 (2015), no. 2177, art. no. 20140874.

28. Lustri CJ, Chapman SJ
Christopher Lustri and Jonathan Chapman: Unsteady flow over a submerged source with low Froude number, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 25 (2014), no. 5, 655–680.

29. Lustri CJ, Chapman SJ
Lustri C, Chapman J: Steady gravity waves due to a submerged source, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 732 (2013), 660–686.

30. Lustri CJ, McCue SW, Chapman SJ
Lustri C, McCue SW, Chapman S: Exponential asymptotics of free surface flow due to a line source, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 78 (2013), no. 4, 697–713.

31. Lustri CJ, McCue SW, Binder B
Lustri C, McCue SW, Binder B: Free surface flow past topography: A beyond-all-orders approach, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 23 (2012), no. 4, 441–467.

Number of matches: 31