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  • Author = Perera DI

1. Perera DI, Peiris MS, Robinson J, Weber NC
DI Perera, MS Peiris, J Robinson, NC Weber: The empirical saddlepoint method applied to testing for serial correlation in panel time series data, Statistics and Probability Letters, 78 (2008), 2876–2882.

2. Perera DI, Peiris MS, Robinson J, Weber NC
D I Perera, M S Peiris, J Robinson and N C Weber: Saddlepoint approximation methods for testing of serial correlation in panel time series data, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 76 (2006), no. 11, 1001–1015. MR2255899

3. Perera DI, Peiris MS
D. I. Perera and M. S. Peiris: Significance testing for Lag One serial correlation in repeated measurements using saddlepoint approximation, Sri Lankan Statistical Conference, Visions of Futuristic Methodologies, B. M. de Silva and N. Mukhopadhyay (eds.), PGIS, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, (2004), 363–370. ISBN 0 86459 339 2.

4. Perera DI, Peiris MS, Weber NC
D. Perera, S. Peiris and N. Weber: A Note on the Distribution of Serial Correlation in Large number of Small Samples, Current Research in Modelling, Data Mining and Quantitative Techniques, University of Western Sydney Press, University of Western Sydney, (2003), 172–192. ISBN 0-975-1599-0-9.

Number of matches: 4