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  • Author = Richter PH

1. Schmidt S, Dullin HR, Richter PH
Sven Schmidt, Holger R. Dullin, and Peter H. Richter: A Poincaré Section for the General Heavy Rigid Body, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 8 (2009), no. 1, 371–389. MR2481288

2. Dullin HR, Schmidt S, Richter PH, Großmann S
H. R. Dullin, S. Schmidt, P. H. Richter, and S. Großmann: Extended Phase Diagram of the Lorenz Model, Int. J. Bif. Chaos, 17 (2007), 3013–3033.

3. Waalkens H, Richter PH, Dullin HR
H. Waalkens, P. H. Richter, and H. R. Dullin: The problem of two fixed centers: bifurcations, actions, monodromy, Physica D, 196 (2004), 265–310.

4. Dullin HR, Richter PH, Veselov AP, Waalkens H
H. R. Dullin, P. H. Richter, A. P. Veselov, and H. Waalkens: Actions of the Neumann system via Picard-Fuchs equations, Physica D,, 155 (2001), 159–183 2001..

5. Dullin HR, Richter PH, Veselov AP
H. R. Dullin, P. H. Richter, and A. P. Veselov: Action variables of the Kovalevskaya top, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 3 (1998), no. 3, 18–26.

6. Dullin HR, Richter PH, Wittek A
H. R. Dullin, P. H. Richter, and A. Wittek: A two parameter study of the extent of chaos in a billiard system, Chaos,, 6 (1996), 43–58.

7. Richter PH, Dullin HR, Waalkens H, Wiersig J
P. H. Richter, H. R. Dullin, H. Waalkens, and J. Wiersig: Spherical pendulum, actions and spin, J. Phys. Chem.,, 100 (1996), 19124–19135.

8. Dullin HR, Juhnke M, Richter PH
H. R. Dullin, M. Juhnke, and P. H. Richter: Action integrals and energy surfaces of the Kovalevskaya top, Bifurcation and Chaos, 4 (1994), 1535–1562.

Number of matches: 8