


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Rivadeneira PS

1. Villa-Tamayo MF, Anelone AJN, Rivadeneira PS
María F Villa-Tamayo, Anet J N Anelone and Pablo S Rivadeneira: Impulsive nonlinear MPC with application to oncolytic virus therapy, Feedback Control for Personalized Medicine, Elsevier B V, Mexico, (2022), 189–201. ISBN 978-0-323-90171-0.

2. Villa-Tamayo M, Anelone AJN, Rivadeneira PS
Maria Villa-Tamayo, Anet J N Anelone, Pablo S Rivadeneira: Tumor reduction using oncolytic viruses under an impulsive nonlinear estimation and predictive control scheme, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5 (2021), no. 5, 1705–1710.

3. Anelone AJN, Villa-Tamayo MF, Rivadeneira PS
AJN Anelone, MF Villa-Tamayo, PS Rivadeneira: Oncolytic virus therapy benefits from control theory: Oncolytic virus enhanced therapy, Royal Society Open Science, 7 (2020), no. 7, Article 200473.

Number of matches: 3