


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Schiavone S

1. Assaf E, Babei A, Breen B, Costa E, Duque-Rosero J, Horawa A, Kieffer J, Kulkarni A, Molnar G, Schiavone S, Voight J
Eran Assaf, Angelica Babei, Ben Breen, Edgar Costa, Juanita Duque-Rosero, Aleksander Horawa, Jean Kieffer, Avinash Kulkarni, Grant Molnar, Sam Schiavone and John Voight: A database of basic numerical invariants of Hilbert modular surfaces, LuCaNT: LMFDB, computation, and number theory, LuCaNT: LMFDB, computation, and number theory, John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland and John Voight (eds.), Contemp. Math., 796, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, United States, (2024), 285–312. ISBN 978-1-4704-7260-3. MR4732692

2. Musty M, Schiavone S, Sijsling J, Voight J
Michael Musty, Sam Schiavone, Jeroen Sijsling and John Voight: A database of Belyi maps, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, ANTS XIII, Renate Scheidler and Jonathan Sorenson (eds.), The Open Book Series, 2, Mathematical Sciences Publishers, Berkeley, CA, United States, (2019), 375–392. ISBN 978-1-935107-03-3; 978-1-935107-02-6. MR3952023

3. Klug M, Musty M, Schiavone S, Voight J
Michael Klug, Michael Musty, Sam Schiavone and John Voight: Numerical calculation of three-point branched covers of the projective line, LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 17 (2014), no. 1, 379–430. MR3356040

Number of matches: 3