


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Schröter EH

1. Kaisig M, Durrant CJ, Schröter EH
Kaisig M, Durrant CJ, Schröter EH: The asymmetry of photospheric absorption lines in quiet and active regions of the sun, Small-scale Dynamical Processes in Quiet Stellar Atmosphere, Keil SL (ed.), Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot, (1984), 345–359.

2. Durrant CJ, Schröter EH
Durrant CJ, Schröter EH: Solar global velocity oscillations and active region rotation, Nature, 301 (1982), 589–591.

3. Deubner FL, Durrant CJ, Stix M, Schröter EH
Deubner FL, Durrant CJ, Stix M, Schröter EH: Small-scale Motions on the Sun, Kiepenheuer Institut, Freiburg, (1979),

Number of matches: 3