


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Smale S

1. Smale S, Zhou DX
Steve Smale, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Online learning with Markov sampling., Anal. Appl. (Singap.), 7 (2009), no. 1, 8211;113. MR2488871

2. Smale S, Zhou DX
Steve Smale, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Geometry on probability spaces., Constr. Approx., 30 (2009), no. 3, #8211;323. MR2558684

3. Smale S, Zhou DX
Steve Smale, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Learning theory estimates via integral operators and their approximations., Constr. Approx., 26 (2007), no. 2, #8211;172. MR2327597

4. Smale S, Zhou DX
Steve Smale, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Shannon sampling. II. Connections to learning theory., Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 19 (2005), no. 3, #8211;302. MR2186447

5. Smale S, Zhou DX
Steve Smale, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Shannon sampling and function reconstruction from point values., Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.), 41 (2004), no. 3, #8211;305. MR2058288

6. Cucker F, Smale S, Zhou DX
Felipe Cucker, Steve Smale, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Modeling language evolution., Found. Comput. Math., 4 (2004), no. 3, #8211;343. MR2078666

7. Smale S, Zhou DX
Steve Smale, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Estimating the approximation error in learning theory., Anal. Appl. (Singap.), 1 (2003), no. 1, 8211;41. MR1959283

Number of matches: 7