


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Smith LD, Gottwald GA
Lauren D. Smith and Georg A. Gottwald: Mesoscopic model reduction for the collective dynamics of sparse coupled oscillator networks, Chaos, 31 (2021), 073116.

2. Smith LD, Gottwald GA
Lachlan Smith and Georg A. Gottwald: Model reduction for the collective dynamics of globally coupled oscillators: From finite networks to the thermodynamic limit, Chaos, 30 (2020), 093107.

3. Yue W, Smith LD, Gottwald GA
Wenqi Yue, Lachlan Smith and G.A. Gottwald: Model reduction for the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model: The importance of nonentrained rogue oscillators, Physical Review E, 101 (2020), 062213.

4. Smith LD, Gottwald GA
Lachlan D. Smith and Georg A. Gottwald: Chaos in networks of coupled oscillators with multimodal natural frequency distributions, Chaos, 29 (2019), 093127. MR4013104

5. Smith LD, Umbanhowar PB, Lueptow RM, Ottino JM
Lachlan D Smith, Paul B Umbanhowar, Richard M Lueptow, Julio M Ottino: The geometry of cutting and shuffling: An outline of possibilities for piecewise isometries, Physic Reports, 802 (2019), no. 20 April 2019, 1–22. MR3947724

6. Lynn TF, Smith LD, Ottino JM, Umbanhowar PB, Lueptow RM
Thomas F. Lynn, Lachlan D. Smith, Julio M. Ottino, Paul B. Umbanhowar and Richard M. Lueptow: Cutting and shuffling a hemisphere: Nonorthogonal axes, Physical Review E, 99 (2019), no. 3, Article No. 032204.

7. Smith LD, Umbanhowar PB, Ottino JM, Lueptow RM
Lachlan D Smith , Paul B Umbanhowar, Julio M Ottino and Richard M Lueptow: Optimized Mixing by Cutting-and-Shuffling, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,, 17 (2018), no. 4, 2544–2573.

8. Smith LD, Metcalfe G, Ottino JM
Lachlan D Smith, Guy Metcalfe and Julio M Ottino: Chaos and the Flow Capture Problem: Polluting is Easy, Cleaning is Hard, Physical Review Applied, 10 (2018), no. 034055 (8 pages),

9. Smith LD, Rudman M, Lester DR, Metcalfe G
Lachlan D Smith, Murray Rudman, Daniel R Lester and Guy Metcalfe: Impact of discontinuous deformation upon the rate of chaotic mixing, Physical Review E, 95 (2017), 022213.

10. Smith LD, Park PP, Umbanhowar PB, Ottino JM, Lueptow RM
Lachlan D Smith, Paul P Park, Paul B Umbanhowar, Julio M Ottino and Richard M Lueptow: Predicting mixing via resonances: Application to spherical piecewise isometries, Physical Review E, 95 (2017), 062210.

11. Smith LD, Rudman M, Lester DR, Metcalfe G
Lachlan D Smith, Murray Rudman, Daniel R Lester and Guy Metcalfe: Localized shear generates three-dimensional transport, Chaos, 27 (2017), no. 4, 043102.

12. Smith LD, Umbanhowar PB, Ottino JM, Lueptow RM
Lachlan D Smith, Paul B Umbanhowar, Julio M Ottino and Richard M Lueptow: Mixing and transport from combined stretching-and-folding and cutting-and-shuffling, Physical Review E, 96 (2017), 042213.

13. Smith LD, Rudman M, Lester DR, Metcalfe G
Lachlan D Smith, Murray Rudman, Daniel R Lester and Guy Metcalfe: Mixing of discontinuously deforming media, Chaos, 26 (2016), no. 2, 023113. MR3459918

14. Smith LD, Rudman M, Lester DR, Metcalfe G
Lachlan D Smith, Murray Rudman, Daniel R Lester and Guy Metcalfe: Bifurcations and degenerate periodic points in a three-dimensional chaotic fluid flow, Chaos, 26 (2016), no. 5, 053106. MR3501791

15. Smith LD, Rudman M, Lester DR, Metcalfe G
Lachlan D Smith, Murray Rudman, Daniel R Lester and Guy Metcalfe: Coherent structures in a three-dimensional chaotic potential flow, Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, N/A (ed.), Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, Melbourne, (2014), 52. ISBN 978-0-646-59695-2.

16. Smith LD, Lester DR
Lachlan D Smith, Daniel R Lester and Guy Metcalfe: Chaotic advection in a three-dimensional volume-preserving potential flow, Proc. 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, P.A. Brandner and B.W. Pearce (eds.), Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, Launceston, (2012), N/A. ISBN 978-0-646-58373-0.

17. Lester DR, Smith LD, Metcalfe G, Rudman M
Daniel R Lester, Lachlan D Smith, Guy Metcalfe and Murray Rudman: Beyond Hamiltonian: Chaotic advection in a three-dimensional volume-preserving flow, Proc. 9th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, 9th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, C.B. Solnordal, P. Liovic, G.W. Delaney and P.J. Witt (eds.), CSIRO, Melbourne, (2012), N/A. ISBN 978-1-922173-01-0.

Number of matches: 17