


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Soardi PM

1. Cartwright DI, Kuhn G, Soardi PM
Donald Cartwright, Gabriella Kuhn, Paolo M Soardi: A product formula for spherical representations of a group of automorphisms of a homogeneous tree, I, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 353 (2001), 349–364. 2001b:20042

2. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM, Woess W
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM, Woess W: Martin and end compactifications of non locally finite graphs, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 338 (1993), 679–693. 93j:60096

3. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Convergence to ends for random walks on the automorphism group of a tree, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 107 (1989), 817–823. 90f:60137

4. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: A local limit theorem for random walks on the cartesian product of discrete groups, Unione Matematica Italiana. Bollettino. A. Serie VII, 1--A (1987), 107–115. 89a:60159

5. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Random walks on free products, quotients and amalgams, Nagoya Mathematics Journal, 102 (1986), 163–180. 88i:60120a

6. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Harmonic analysis on the free product of two cyclic groups, Journal of Functional Analysis, 65 (1986), 147–171. 87m:22015

7. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Best conditions for the norm convergence of Fourier series, Journal of Approximation Theory, 38 (1983), 344–353. 85a:42017

Number of matches: 7