


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Bosma W, Stevenhagen P
Wieb Bosma, P.Stevenhagen: Density computations for real quadratic units, Mathematics of Computation, 65 (1996), 1327–1337. 96j:11171

2. Bosma W, Stevenhagen P
Wieb Bosma, Peter Stevenhagen: On the computation of quadratic 2-class groups, Journal de Théorie des Nombres, 8 (1996), 283–313. 98e:11129a

3. Bosma W, Stevenhagen P
Bosma W, Stevenhagen P: On the computation of quadratic 2-class groups, Full Papers and Extended Abstracts of CANT'95, CANT'95, Macquarie University, April 1995, (1995), 36–55.

4. Stevenhagen P
Stevenhagen P: A density conjecture for the negative Pell equation, Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (eds.), Mathematics and its Applications, 325 Kluwer, Dordrecht, (1995), 187–200. ISBN 07923 3501 5. 96g:11137

Number of matches: 4