


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Szczotka W

1. Carnaffan S, Magdziarz M, Szczotka W
Sean Carnaffan, Marcin Magdziarz and Wladyslaw Szczotka: Nonlinear dynamics of continuous-time random walks in inhomogeneous medium, Chaos, 30 (2020), 063135 (9 pages).

2. Quine MP, Szczotka W
Quine, M.P. and Szczotka, W: A general linear birth and growth model, Advances in Applied Probability, 32 (2000), 1–23. 2002d:60042

3. Quine MP, Szczotka W
M P Quine, W Szczotka: Existence and positivity of the limit in processes with a branching structure, Journal of Applied Probability, 36 (1999), 132–138. 2000k:60172

4. Quine MP, Szczotka W
Malcolm P Quine and W Szczotka: Asymptotic normality of processes with a branching structure, Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models, 14 (1998), no. 4, 833–848. 99k:60216

5. Quine MP, Szczotka W
M P Quine and W Szczotka: Aspects of the critical case of a generalised Galton-Watson branching process, Branching processes, Branching Processes: First world congress, 99 Springer, Lecture notes in Statistics, Berlin, (1995), 22 – 27. MR1351257

6. Szczotka W
Szczotka W: Weak convergence under mappings, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 13 (1992), 39–58. 93m:60019

7. Szczotka W
Szczotka W: A distributional form of Little's law in heavy traffic, The Annals of Probability, 20 (1992), 790–800. 93c:60151

Number of matches: 7