


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Bush MR, Leeming M, Walters RFC
M R Bush, M Leeming, R F C Walters: Computing left Kan extensions, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 35 (2003), 107–126. 2004a:18001

2. Katis P, Sabadini N, Walters RFC
P Katis, Nicoletta Sabadini, Robert F C Walters: Feedback, trace and fixed-point semantics, Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 36 (2002), 181–194. 2003k:68071

3. Katis P, Walters RFC
Katis Piergiulio, Walters Robert F C: The compact closed bicategory of left adjoints, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 130 (2001), 77–87. 2001i:18014

4. Katis P, Sabadini N, Walters RFC
Piergiulio Katis, Nicoletta Sabadini, Robert F C Walters: On the algebra of feedback and systems with boundary, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. (2) Supplemento, 64 (2000), 123–156. 2002h:93003

5. Rosebrugh R, Sabadini N, Walters RFC
Robert Rosebrugh, N Sabadini and R F C Walters: Minimal Realization in bicategories of automata, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 8 (1998), no. 2, 93–116. 2000b:68134

6. Katis P, Sabadini N, Walters RFC
P. Katis, N. Sabadini, R.F.C. Walters: Representing place/transition nets in Span(Graph), Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, AMAST '97, Michael Johnson (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Germany, (1997), 322–336. ISBN 3-540-63888-1.

7. Katis P, Sabadini N, Walters RFC
P. Katis, N. Sabadini, R.F.C. Walters: Span(Graph): A categorical algebra of transition systems, Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, AMAST '97, Michael Johnson (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Germany, (1997), 307–321. ISBN 3-540-63888-1.

8. Katis P, Sabadini N, Walters RFC
P. Katis, N. Sabadini, R.F.C. Walters: Bicategories of processes, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 115 (1997), 141–178. 97m:18010

9. Sabadini N, Vigna S, Walters RFC
N. Sabadini, S. Vigna, R.F.C. Walters: A note on recursive functions, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 6 (1996), 127–139. 97e:03061

10. Bloom SL, Sabadini N, Walters RFC
S. Bloom, N. Sabadini, R.F.C. Walters: Matrices, machines and behaviors, Applied Categorical Structures, 4 (1996), 343–360. 98a:68049

11. Mauri G, Sabadini N, Shammah S, Walters RFC
Mauri G, Sabadini N, Shammah S, Walters RFC: Distributive automata, Asynchronous automata and Petri nets, Workshop on algebraic and syntactic aspects of concurrency, ASMICS project, Chantilly LITP 95/48, 325 (1995), 53–73. MR1344921

12. Wagner EG, Khalil W, Walters RFC
Wagner E, Khalil W, Walters RFC: Fix-point semantics for programs in distributive categories, Fundamenta Informaticae, 22 (1995), 187–202. 96i:68052

13. Leeming M, Walters RFC
Leeming M, Walters RFC: A new application of the Todd-Coxeter procedure: computing left adjoints of algebraic functors, Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (eds.), Mathematics and its Applications, 325 Kluwer, Dordrecht, (1995), 53–73. ISBN 07923 3501 5. MR1344921

14. Carmody S, Leeming M, Walters RFC
Carmody S, Leeming M, Walters RFC: The Todd-Coxeter procedure and left Kan extensions, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 19 (1995), 459–488. 96i:18001

15. Islam A, Sabadini N, Walters RFC
Islam A, Sabadini N, Walters RFC: Extensive categories, and progress properties in concurrency, Computing: Australian Theory Seminar, UTS, Sydney, 1994, (1994), MR1382445

16. Katis P, Sabadini N, Walters RFC
Katis P, Sabadini N, Walters RFC: The bicategory of circuits, Computing: Australian Theory Seminar, UTS, Sydney, 1994, (1994), MR1382445

17. Sabadini N, Weld H, Walters RFC
Sabadini N, Weld H, Walters RFC: Categories of asynchronous circuits, Computing: Australian Theory Seminar, UTS, Sydney, 1994, (1994), 158–188.

18. Sun SH, Walters RFC
Sun SH, Walters RFC: Representations of modules and Cauchy completeness, Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, XXXV3 (1994), 263–269. 95k:18003

19. Khalil W, Walters RFC
Khalil W, Walters RFC: An imperative language based on distributive categories II, Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 27 (1993), 503–522. 94k:68113

20. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: On distributive automata, distributive automata schemes, Categories, Combinatorics, and Computer Science 1993, (1993),

21. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Distributive automata and asynchronous circuits, Foundational Methods in Computer Science 1993, (1993),

22. Sabadini N, Weld H, Walters RFC
Sabadini N, Weld H, Walters RFC: Distributive automata and asynchronous circuits, Category Theory and Computer Science 5, (1993), 28–32.

23. Kelly GM, Lack S, Walters RFC
Kelly GM, Lack S, Walters RFC: Coinverters and categories of fractions for categories with structure, Applied Categorical Structures, 1 (1993), 95–102. 94k:18012

24. Sabadini N, Vigna S, Walters RFC
Sabadini N, Vigna S, Walters RFC: A notion of refinement for automata, Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology 1993, Nivat M, Rattray C, Rus T, Scollo G eds (eds.), Workshops in computing, Springer Verlag, (1993), 327–334.

25. Carboni A, Lack S, Walters RFC
Carboni A, Lack S, Walters RFC: Introduction to extensive and distributive categories, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 84 (1993), 145–158. 93k:18004

26. Johnson MS, Walters RFC
Johnson MS, Walters RFC: Category theoretic modelling of digital circuits and systems, Pan-Commonwealth conference on mathematical modelling in circuit designs, Kandy, Sri Lanka, May 1992, Commonwealth Science Council, (1992), MR1194840

27. Johnson MS, Walters RFC
Johnson MS, Walters RFC: Algebra objects and algebra families for finite limit theories, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 83 (1992), 283–293. 94d:18003

28. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Categories and Computer Science, Cambridge University Press, (1992),

29. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: An imperative language based on distributive categories, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2 (1992), 249–256. 93g:68011

30. Carmody S, Reilly C, Walters RFC
Carmody S, Reilly C, Walters RFC: KAN --- a program for computing left Kan extensions, (1991),

31. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: An imperative language based on distributive categories, London Mathematical Society Symposium on Applications of Categories in Computer Science, Durham, 1991, (1991),

32. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Categories and Computer Science, Carslaw Publications, Sydney, (1991), MR1204658

33. Walters RFC, Carmody S
Walters RFC, Carmody S: Computing quotients of actions of a free category, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1448 Springer, Berlin, (1991), 63–78. MR1173005

34. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: The Todd Coxeter procedure and the computation of left Kan extension, Conference on Computational Algebra in honour of GE Wall, Sydney, November 7--9 1990, (1990),

35. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: An imperative language based on distributive categories, International Summer Conference in Category Theory, Como, July 22--28 1990, (1990),

36. Kasangian S, Walters RFC
Kasangian S, Walters RFC: The duality between flow charts and circuits, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 42 (1990), 71–79. 91j:68033

37. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Category Theory, Logic and Computer Science, Pure Mathematics Department, (1989),

38. Walters RFC, Wehrhahn KH
Walters RFC, Wehrhahn KH: Calculus I, Second Edition, revised and extended Carslaw Publications, (1989),

39. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: The free category with products on a multigraph, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 62 (1989), 205–210. 91a:18003

40. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: A note on context-free languages, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 62 (1989), 199–203. 91e:68094

41. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Datatypes in distributive categories, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 40 (1989), 79–82. 90j:68030

42. Betti R, Walters RFC
Betti R, Walters RFC: The calculus of ends over a base topos, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 56 (1989), 211–220. 90f:18008

43. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Category Theory and Computer Science, Pure Mathematic Department, Sydney University, (1988),

44. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Categorical analysis of digital circuits, International Meeting on Category Theory, University of Sussex 1988, (1988),

45. Walters RFC, Wehrhahn KH
Walters RFC, Wehrhahn KH: Calculus I, Carslaw Publications, (1987),

46. Johnson MS, Walters RFC
Johnson M, Walters RFC: On the nerve of an \(n\)-category, Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 28 (1987), 257–282. 89e:18014

47. Carboni A, Walters RFC
Carboni A, Walters RFC: Cartesian bicategories I, A calculus of relations, additive relations, and order ideals, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 49 (1987), 11–32. 88k:18009

48. Betti R, Walters RFC
Betti R, Walters RFC: Completeness of locally-internal categories, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 47 (1987), 105–117. 88i:18005

49. Carboni A, Kasangian S, Walters RFC
Carboni A, Kasangian S, Walters RFC: An axiomatics for bicategories of modules, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 45 (1987), 127–141. 88c:18002

50. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Number Theory: an Introduction, Carslaw Publications, (1986),

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