


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Durrant CJ, Turner JPR, Wilson PR
C J Durrant, J P R Turner and P R Wilson: The mechanism involved in the reversals of the sun's polar magnetic fields, Solar Physics, 222 (2004), 345–362.

2. Durrant CJ, Wilson PR
C J Durrant, P R Wilson: Observations and simulations of the polar field reversals in cycle 23, Solar Physics, 214 (2003), 23–39.

3. Durrant CJ, Turner JPR, Wilson PR
C.J. Durrant, J. Turner and P.R. Wilson: Bipolar magnetic fields emerging at high latitudes, Solar Physics, 211 (2002), 103–124.

4. Varsik JR, Durrant CJ, Turner JPR, Wilson PR
J. Varsik, C.J. Durrant, J. Turner, P.R. Wilson: High-Resolution Studies of the Polar Magnetic Fields during Cycle 23, Solar Physics, 205 (2002), 234–247.

5. Durrant CJ, Kress JM, Wilson PR
C. J. Durrant, J. M. Kress and P. R. Wilson: The evolution of trailing plumes from active regions, Solar Physics, 201 (2001), 57–69.

6. Kress JM, Wilson PR
J M Kress, P R Wilson: Simulations of the polar field reversals during cycle 22, Solar Physics, 194 (2000), 1–17.

7. Snodgrass HB, Kress JM, Wilson PR
H.B. Snodgrass, J.M. Kress and P.R. Wilson: Observations of the polar magnetic fields during the polarity reversals of cycle 22, Solar Physics, 191 (2000), 1–19.

8. Kress JM, Wilson PR
J M Kress and P R Wilson: The evolution of isolated active regions, Solar Physics, 189 (1999), 147–161.

9. Varsik JR, Wilson PR, Li Y
J. R. Varsik, P. R. Wilson, Y. Li: High-resolution studies of the solar polar magnetic fields, Solar Physics, 184 (1999), 223–237.

10. Wilson PR, Li Y
P. R. Wilson and Y. Li: Is the solar rotation uniform below the tachocline?, proceedings of the SOHO 6/GONG 98 workshop, `structure and dynamics of the interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, S. Korzennik and A. Wilson (eds.), ESA Publications Division ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (1998), 857–859. ISBN 92-9092-672-4.

11. Li Y, Wilson PR
Y. Li and P.R. Wilson: The internal solar rotation rate inferred from combined GONG and LOWL data, Astrophysical Journal, 499 (1998), 504–512.

12. Zirin H, Wilson PR, Li Y
H. Zirin, P.R. Wilson and Y. Li: Curious magnetic changes in a quiet region, Solar Physics, 179 (1998), 269–277.

13. Fox PA, McIntosh PS, Wilson PR
P.A. Fox, P.S. McIntosh and P.R. Wilson: Coronal holes and the polar field reversals, Solar Physics, 177 (1998), 375–393.

14. Wilson PR, Burtonclay D, Li Y
P.R.Wilson, D.Burtonclay, Y.Li: The rotational structure of the region below the solar convection zone, The Astrophysical Journal, 489 (1997), 395–402.

15. Thompson MJ, Toomre J, Burtonclay D, Wilson PR
M.J. Thompson, J. Toomre, D. Burtonclay, P.R. Wilson, et al.: Differential Rotation and Dynamics of the Solar Interior, Science, 272 (1996), 1300–1305.

16. Wilson PR
P. R. Wilson: On the inference of the solar rotation profile from frequency splitting data, Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 24 (1996), 251–260.

17. Wilson PR, Burtonclay D, Li Y
P. R. Wilson, D. Burtonclay, and Y. Li: Calculations of the solar internal angular velocity for 1986-1990, Astrophysical Journal, 457 (1996), 440–446.

18. Wilson PR, Burtonclay D, Li Y
P. R. Wilson, D. Burtonclay, and Y.Li: On the inference of the solar internal rotation profile from frequency-splitting data, Astrophysical Journal, 470 (1996), 621–628.

19. Wilson PR, Burtonclay D, Li Y
P R Wilson, D Burtonclay and Y Li: The crisis in helioseismology, Proceedings of Fourth SOHO Workshop, Helioseismology, Pacific Grove, California, (1995), 295–298. MR1364600

20. Wilson PR, Burtonclay D
Wilson PR, Burtonclay D: Forward Analysis of the BBSO Frequency-splitting Coefficients for 1986, Astrophysical Journal, 438 (1995), 445–453.

21. Wilson PR, Giovannis J
Wilson PR, Giovannis J: The Reversal of the Polar Fields in Cycle 22, Solar Physics, 155 (1994), 29–44.

22. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Solar and Stellar Activity Cycles, Cambridge Astrophysics Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 24 (1994), 274. ISBN 0 521 40685 4.

23. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Forward Calculations of Libbrecht's Frequency Splitting Coefficients, Gong 1992: Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars, Brown TM (ed.), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, California, (1993), 209–212.

24. Snodgrass HB, Wilson PR
Snodgrass HB, Wilson PR: Real and Virtual Unipolar Regions, Solar Physics, 148 (1993), 179–194.

25. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Theoretical implications of the extended activity cycle (Invited Review), Proceedings of the Solar Cycle Workshop, Sunspot New Mexico, (1992), 368–378.

26. Murray N, Wilson PR
Murray N, Wilson PR: The reversal of the solar polar magnetic fields. IV The polar fields near sunspot maximum, Solar Physics, 142 (1992), 221–232.

27. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Helioseismology data and the solar dynamo, Astrophysical Journal, 399 (1992), 294–299.

28. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The polar magnetic fields near sunspots, Solar Cycle Workshop, Sunspot, New Mexico, October 1991, Harvey KL (ed.), 27 Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, (1992), 116–123.

29. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Forward calculations of frequency splitting coefficients, GONG Workshop, Boulder, Colorado August 1992, (1992),

30. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The reversal of the solar polar magnetic fields. III The large-scale fields and the first major active regions of cycle~22, Solar Physics, 138 (1992), 11–21.

31. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Simulations of the large-scale solar magnetic fields, NATO sunspot workshop, Cambridge, UK, September 1991, (1991),

32. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The polar magnetic fields near sunspot maximum, Solar cycle workshop, New Mexico, October 1991, (1991),

33. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Theoretical implications of the extended activity cycle, (Invited review) Solar cycle workshop, New Mexico, October 1991, (1991), 368–378.

34. Wilson PR, McIntosh PS
Wilson PR, McIntosh PS: The reversal of the solar polar magnetic fields. II Simulations of the large-scale fields, Solar Physics, 136 (1991), 221–237.

35. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The reversal of the solar polar magnetic fields, Cool stars workshop, Tucson (Arizona), October 1991, (1991),

36. Wilson PR, Donnelly RF, Wilkinson P
Wilson PR, Donnelly RF, Wilkinson P: Solar cycle workshop: Third meeting (a review), Solar Physics, 125 (1990), 159.

37. Wilson PR, McIntosh PS
Wilson PR, McIntosh PS: The origin of the large-scale fields, Proceedings of the Solar-Terrestrial Predictions Workshop, Leura, 1989, (1990), 650–657.

38. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The extended solar activity cycle, Proceedings of the Solar-Terrestrial Predictions Workshop, Leura, 1989, (1990), 257–263.

39. Wilson PR, McIntosh PS, Snodgrass HB
Wilson PR, McIntosh PS, Snodgrass HB: The reversal of the solar polar magnetic fields I, Solar Physics, 127 (1990), 1–9.

40. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The origin of the large-scale fields, Solar-terrestrial forecast workshop, Leura 1989, (1989),

41. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The extended solar cycle, Solar-terrestrial forecast workshop, Leura 1989, (1989),

42. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The reversal of the solar polar magnetic fields, Solar cycle workshop: 3rd meeting, Sydney 1989, (1989),

43. Pecker JC, Wilson PR
Pecker JC, Wilson PR: Systematic observations of the Sun, Proc. of 20th General Assembly of Intern. Astron. Union, (Baltimore), (1989), MR1110821

44. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The buoyancy of \(U\)-loops, Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 8 (1989), 32–37.

45. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The solar dynamo and convective rolls, Solar Physics, 117 (1989), 212. MR0525022

46. Wilson PR, Altrock RC, Harvey KL, Martin SF, Snodgrass HB
Wilson PR, Altrock RC, Harvey KL, Martin SF, Snodgrass HB: The extended solar activity cycle, Nature, 333 (1988), 748.

47. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Solar Cycle Workshop, Second Meeting (A Review), Solar Physics, 117 (1988), 205–215.

48. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Astronomers double the sunspot cycle, New Scientist, 22 (1987),

49. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: A more complex cycle, Science News, 131 (1987), 39–41.

50. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The Sun also surprises, 11 (1987), 88–90.

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