


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Parkinson J, Woess W
James Parkinson and Wolfgang Woess: Regular sequences and random walks in affine buildings, Annales de L'Institut Fourier, 65 (2015), no. 2, 675–707.

2. Cartwright DI, Woess W
Donald Cartwright and Wolfgang Woess: The spectrum of the averaging operator on a network (metric graph), Illinois journal of mathematics, 51 (2007), no. 3, 805–830. MR2379723

3. Cartwright DI, Woess W
Donald I Cartwright, Wolfgang Woess: Isotropic random walks in a building of type \(\tilde A_d\), Mathematische Zeitschrift, 247 (2004), 101–135. MR2054522

4. Cartwright DI, Kaimanovich VA, Woess W
Cartwright DI, Kaimanovich VA, Woess W: Random walks on the affine group of local fields and homogeneous trees, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 44 (1994), 1243–1288. MR1306556

5. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM, Woess W
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM, Woess W: Martin and end compactifications of non locally finite graphs, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 338 (1993), 679–693. 93j:60096

6. Cartwright DI, Woess W
Cartwright DI, Woess W: Infinite graphs with nonconstant Dirichlet finite harmonic functions, SIAM Journal for Discrete Mathematics, 5 (1992), no. 3, 380–385. 94a:31005

Number of matches: 6