


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Barker CS

1. Woodruff PG, Boushey HA, Dolganov GM, Barker CS, Yang YH
Woodruff P.G., Boushey H.A., Dolganov G.M, Barker C.S., Yang Y.H.,: Genome-wide profiling identifies epithelial cell genes associated with asthma and with treatment response to corticosteroids, PNAS, 104 (2007), no. 40, 15858–15863.

2. Barker CS, Griffin C, Dolganov GM, Hanspers K, Yang YH, Erle DJ
Barker, C., Griffin, C. Dolganov, G., Hanspers, K., Yang, J.and Erle, D.J.: Increase DNA hybridization specificity using sscDNA targets., BMC Genomics, 6 (2005), no. 1, 57.

Number of matches: 2