


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Chen TH

1. Chen TH, Seneta E
Tuhao Chen and E Seneta: A refinement of multivariate Bonferroni-type inequalities, Journal of Applied Probability, 37 (2000), no. 1, 276–282. 2001f:60020

2. Chen TH, Seneta E
Tuhao Chen, E Seneta: Lower bounds for the probability of intersection of several unions of events, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 7 (1998), 353–364. 2000b:60046

3. Chen TH
Tuhao Chen: Optimal lower bounds for bivariate probabilities, Advances in Applied Probability, 30 (1998), 476–492. 99g:60038

4. Seneta E, Chen TH
Eugene Seneta and Tuhao Chen: A sequentially rejective test procedure, Theory of Stochastic Processes, 3 (1997), no. 19, 393–402.

5. Seneta E, Chen TH
Eugene Seneta and Tuhao Chen: Frechet optimality of upper bivariate Bonferroni-type bounds, Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 52 (1996), 147–152. 98a:60020

6. Seneta E, Chen TH
Tuhao Chen and Eugene Seneta: Multivariate identities, permutations and Bonferroni upper bounds, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 4 (1995), 331–342. 97c:60040

7. Seneta E, Chen TH
Seneta E, Chen T: Frechet optimality of upper bivariate Bonferroni-type bounds, Teoriya Imovirnostei ta Matem. Statist. (Kiev), 52 (1995), 137–142. MR1445548

8. Seneta E, Chen TH
T Chen and E Seneta: A note on bivariate Dawson-Sankoff-type bounds, Statistics and Probability Letters, 24 (1995), 99–104. 97e:60032

Number of matches: 8