


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Choo KG
Choo KG: Lectures on Metric Spaces, (1994),

2. Choo KG, Taylor DE
Choo KG, Taylor DE: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, (1994), ix + 148. ISBN 0 582 80055 2.

3. Choo KG, Sun SH
Choo KG, Sun SH: On extensive normal quantales, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society. Second Series, 16 (1993), 11–20.

4. Choo KG
Choo KG: Lectures on Hilbert Spaces, (1993),

5. Choo KG, Sun SH
Choo KG, Sun SH: New properties of the concentric circle space and its applications to cardinal inequalities, Commentationes Mathematicæ Universitatis Carolinæ, 32 (1991), 395–403. 92m:54066

6. Choo KG, Taylor DE
Choo KG, Taylor DE: Lectures on Discrete Mathematics, (1990),

7. Choo KG, Sun SH
Choo KG, Sun SH: Some new cardinal inequalities involving a cardinal function less than the spread and the density, Commentationes Mathematicæ Universitatis Carolinæ, 31 (1990), 395–401. 92b:54005

8. Choo KG
Choo KG: Linear Programming and Inner Product Spaces. Lecture Notes for 2nd year, (1989),

9. Choo KG
Choo KG: Topology. Lecture Notes for 3rd year, (1989),

10. Choo KG
Choo KG: Linear Algebra I, (1988),

11. Choo KG
Choo KG: Fourier Series, (1988),

12. Choo KG
Choo KG: Hilbert Spaces and Banach Algebras, (1987),

13. Choo KG, Hickman RC
Choo KG, Hickman RC: The lattice diagrams of topologies of finite sets, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society, 8 (1985), 51–62. 88c:06017

14. Choo KG
Choo KG: Flat modules whose direct powers are flat, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society, 7 (1984), 69–76. 87a:16042

15. Choo KG, Teo KL, Clements DJ, Wu ZS
Choo KG, Teo KL, Clements DJ, Wu ZS: Convergence of a strong variational algorithm for relaxed controls involving a class of hyperbolic systems, Journal of Optimisation Theory and Applications, 42 (1984), 467–485. 85e:49033

16. Choo KG, Teo KL, Wu ZS
Choo KG, Teo KL, Wu ZS: On an optimal control problem involving second order hyperbolic systems with boundary controls, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 27 (1983), 139–148. 84g:49006

17. Choo KG, Teo KL, Wu ZS
Choo KG, Teo KL, Wu ZS: On an optimal control problem involving first order hyperbolic systems with boundary controls, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 4 (1981/1982), no. 2, 171–190. 83k:49007

18. Choo KG
Choo KG: Whitehead groups of semidirect products of the fundamental group of a surface and free groups, Nanta Mathematica, 13 (1980), no. 1, 15–18.

19. Choo KG
Choo KG: Whitehead groups of semidirect products of free groups II, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 21 (1980), no. 1, 71–74. 81c:20036

20. Choo KG
Choo KG: Whitehead groups of semidirect products of free groups, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 19 (1978), no. 2, 155–158. 58:850

21. Choo KG
Choo KG: The projective class groups of certain semidirect products of free groups, Nanta Mathematica, 10 (1977), no. 1, 44–46. 57:12707

22. Choo KG
Choo KG: Grothendieck groups of twisted free associative algebras, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 18 (1977), no. 2, 193–196. 56:416

23. Choo KG
Choo KG: Whitehead groups of certain semidirect products of free groups II, Nanta Mathematica, 9 (1976), no. 2, 138–140. 56:5719

24. Choo KG
Choo KG: Whitehead groups of certain semidirect products of free groups, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 43 (1974), 26–30. 49:2890

25. Choo KG
Choo KG: Whitehead groups of twisted free associative algebras, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 50 (1974), 399–402. 51:10375

26. Choo KG
Choo KG: Groups \(F\times_\alpha T\) with one defining relator, Nanta Mathematica, 7 (1974), no. 1, 67–80. 50:10088

27. Choo KG
Choo KG: The projective class group of the fundamental group of a surface is trivial, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 40 (1973), 42–46. 48:2222

28. Choo KG, Lam KY, Luft E
Choo KG, Lam KY, Luft E: On free product of rings and the coherence property, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 342 (1973), 135–143. 50:13154

29. Choo KG, Lim CK
Choo KG, Lim CK: Fundamentals of structure spaces, Bulletin of the Mathematical Society. Nanyang University, (1965), 65–70. 34:5911

30. Choo KG
Choo KG: A brief history of Mathematics in China and a table of Chinese Mathematicians (in Chinese), Bulletin of the Mathematical Society. Nanyang University, (1963), 127–140.

Number of matches: 30