


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Cosgrove CM
Christopher M. Cosgrove: Chazy's second-degree Painlevé equations, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 39 (2006), no. 39, 11955–11971. MR2266209

2. Cosgrove CM
Christopher M. Cosgrove: Higher-order Painlevé equations in the polynomial class II: Bureau symbol P1, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 116 (2006), 321–413. MR2220477

3. Scoufis G, Cosgrove CM
George Scoufis, Christopher M Cosgrove: An application of the inverse scattering transform to the modified intermediate long wave equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46 (2005), no. 10, 39 pp.

4. Clarkson PA, Cosgrove CM
P. A. Clarkson, C. M. Cosgrove: Symmetry, the Chazy equation and Chazy hierarchies, Isomonodromic Deformations and Applications in Physics, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, (2002), 113–129. ISBN 0-8218-2804-5. 2003a:34010

5. Witte NS, Forrester PJ, Cosgrove CM
N. S. Witte, P. J. Forrester, C. M. Cosgrove: Integrability, random matrices and Painlevé transcendents, The ANZIAM Journal, 44 (2002), 41–50. 2003i:82040

6. Witte NS, Forrester PJ, Cosgrove CM
N S Witte, P J Forrester, Christopher M Cosgrove: Gap probabilities for edge intervals in finite Gaussian and Jacobi unitary matrix ensembles, Nonlinearity, 13 (2000), 1439–1464. 2001m:82038

7. Cosgrove CM
Christopher M. Cosgrove: Chazy classes IX--XI of third-order differential equations, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 104 (2000), 171–228. 2001d:34148

8. Cosgrove CM
Christopher M. Cosgrove: Higher-order Painlevé equations in the polynomial class I. Bureau symbol P2, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 104 (2000), 1–65. 2000m:34204

9. Cosgrove CM
Christopher M. Cosgrove: Painlevé classification problems featuring essential singularities, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 98 (1997), 355–433. 98b:34011

10. Scoufis G, Cosgrove CM
Scoufis G, Cosgrove CM: On the initial value problem for the modified Benjamin-Ono equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 36 (1995), 5753–5759. 96e:35152

11. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: All binomial-type Painlevé equations of the second order and degree three or higher, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 90 (1993), 119–187. 95e:34012

12. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Painlevé classification of all semilinear partial differential equations of the second order II. Parabolic and higher-dimensional equations, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 89 (1993), 95–151. 94g:35011

13. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Painlevé classification of all semilinear partial differential equations of the second order I. Hyperbolic equations in two independent variables, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 89 (1993), 1–61. 94g:35010

14. Cosgrove CM, Scoufis G
Cosgrove CM, Scoufis G: Painlevé classification of a class of differential equations of the second order and second degree, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 88 (1993), 25–87. 93k:34008

15. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: On an overdetermined Euclidean/Poincaré-invariant system of partial differential equations, Chaos and Order, Joshi N, Dewar RL (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, (1991), 22–48.

16. Glasser ML, Cosgrove CM
Glasser ML, Cosgrove CM: A Gaussian-geometric finite sum formula, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 142 (1989), 331–336. 90h:11074

17. Glasser ML, Cosgrove CM
Glasser ML, Cosgrove CM: Mallow's integral and some generalizations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 139 (1989), 533–536. 90h:33002

18. Clarkson PA, Cosgrove CM
Clarkson PA, Cosgrove CM: Painlevé analysis of the non-linear Schrödinger family of equations, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 20 (1987), 2003–2024. 89c:35136

19. Suffern KG, Fackerell ED, Cosgrove CM
Suffern KG, Fackerell ED, Cosgrove CM: Eigenvalues of the Chandrasekhar-Page angular functions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 24 (1983), 1350–1358. 85b:83038

20. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Continuous groups and Bäcklund transformations generating asymptotically flat solutions, Proceedings of the Second Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Ruffini R ed (ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, (1982), 287–299. MR0678952

21. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Relationship between the inverse scattering techniques of Belinskii-Zakharov and Hauser-Ernst in general relativity, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 23 (1982), 615–633. 83f:83008

22. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Bäcklund transformations in the Hauser-Ernst formalism for stationary axisymmetric spacetimes, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 22 (1981), 2624–2639. 83m:83023

23. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Relationships between the group-theoretic and soliton-theoretic techniques for generating stationary axisymmetric gravitational solutions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 21 (1980), 2417–2447. 82m:83012

24. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Stationary axisymmetric gravitational fields: an asymptotic flatness preserving transformation, Edwards C (ed.), Lecture Notes in Physics, 124 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1980), 444–453. MR0589584

25. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: A new formulation of the field equations for the stationary axisymmetric vacuum gravitational field II. Separable solutions, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 11 (1978), 2405–2430. 80e:83036b

26. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: A new formulation of the field equations for the stationary axisymmetric vacuum gravitational field I. General theory, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 11 (1978), 2389–2404. 80e:83036a

27. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Limits of the generalised Tomimatsu-Sato gravitational fields, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 10 (1977), 2093–2105. 57:4961

28. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: New family of exact stationary axisymmetric gravitational fields generalising the Tomimatsu-Sato solutions, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 10 (1977), 1481–1524. 58:20168

Number of matches: 28