


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Ehrig M, Tubbenhauer D
Michael Ehrig, Daniel Tubbenhauer: Relative cellular algebras, Transformation Groups, 26 (2021), no. 1, 229–277.

2. Coulembier K, Ehrig M
Kevin Coulembier and Michael Ehrig: The Periplectic Brauer Algebra III: The Deligne Category, Algebras and Representation Theory, 24 (2021), no. 4, 993–1027.

3. Ehrig M, Tubbenhauer D, Wedrich P
Michael Ehrig, Daniel Tubbenhauer and Paul Wedrich: Functoriality of colored link homologies, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 117 (2018), no. 5, 996–1040.

4. Ehrig M, Stroppel C
M Ehrig, C Stroppel: Nazarov–Wenzl algebras, coideal subalgebras and categorified skew Howe duality, Advances in Mathematics, 331 (2018), no. June 2018, 58–142.

5. Coulembier K, Ehrig M
Kevin Coulembier and Michael Ehrig: The periplectic Brauer algebra II: Decomposition multiplicities, Journal of Combinatorial Algebra, 2 (2018), no. 1, 19–46.

6. Ehrig M, Stroppel C, Tubbenhauer D
M Ehrig, C Stroppel, D Tubbenhauer: The Blanchet-Khovanov algebras, Contemporary Mathematics, 683 (2017), 183–226.

7. Ehrig M, Stroppel C
Michael Ehrig and Catharina Stroppel: Koszul Gradings on Brauer Algebras, International Mathematics Research Notices, 13 (2016), 3970–4011. MR3544626

8. Ehrig M, Stroppel C
Michael Ehrig and Catharina Stroppel: Schur–Weyl duality for the Brauer algebra and the ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebra, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 284 (2016), 595–613.

9. Ehrig M, Stroppel C
Michael Ehrig and Catharina Stroppel: Diagrammatic description for the categories of perverse sheaves on isotropic Grassmannians, Selecta Mathematica New Series, 22 (2016), 1455 – 1536. MR3518556

10. Ehrig M, Stroppel C
Michael Ehrig and Catharina Stroppel: 2-row Springer Fibres and Khovanov Diagram Algebras for Type D, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 68 (2016), no. December 2016, 1285–1333. MR3563723

Number of matches: 10