


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Gibson CG

1. Dimca A, Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: Classification of equidimensional contact unimodular map germs, Mathematica Scandinavica, 56 (1985), 15–28. 87a:58027

2. Dimca A, Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: On the unfolding of the first contact unimodular family of plane to plane map germs, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series, 34 (1983), 297–304. 85e:58021b

3. Dimca A, Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: Contact unimodular germs from the plane to the plane, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series, 34 (1983), 281–295. 85e:58021a

4. Dimca A, Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: On contact germs of the plane, Proc. Symp. Pure Math., 40 American Mathematical Society, (1983), 277–282.

Number of matches: 4