


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Gubbiotti G, Kels AP
Giorgio Gubbiotti and Andrew P Kels: Algebraic entropy for face-centered quad equations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 54 (2021), no. 45, 455201 (44pp).

2. Gubbiotti G
Giorgio Gubbiotti: Lax pairs for the discrete reduced Nahm systems, Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 24 (2021), no. 2, Paper no. 9 (13 pages).

3. Gubbiotti G, Nucci MC
G Gubbiotti and MC Nucci: Superintegrable systems in non-Euclidean plane: Hidden symmetries leading to linearity, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 62 (2021), no. 7, Article no. 073503 (29 pages).

4. Gubbiotti G, Joshi N
Giorgio Gubbiotti and Nalini Joshi: Space of Initial Values of a Map with a Quartic Invariant, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 103 (2021), 438–449.

5. Gubbiotti G, Joshi N, Tran DT, Viallet C-M
Giorgio Gubbiotti, Nalini Joshi, Dinh Thi Tran, Claude-Michel Viallet: Complexity and Integrability in 4D Bi-rational Maps with Two Invariants, Asymptotic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer, Switzerland, (2020), 17–36. ISBN 978-303056999-0.

6. Gubbiotti G, Joshi N
Giorgio Gubbiotti and Nalini Joshi: Space of Initial Values of a Map with a Quartic Invariant, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Published Online (2020), no. October 2020, 12 pages.

7. Gubbiotti G, Joshi N, Tran DT, Viallet C-M
G Gubbiotti, N Joshi, D T Tran and C-M Viallet: Bi-rational maps in four dimensions with two invariants, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53 (2020), no. 11, Art. 115201 (24 pp).

8. Gubbiotti G
Giorgio Gubbiotti: On the inverse problem of the discrete calculus of variations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 52 (2019), 305203 (29 pp).

9. Gubbiotti G
Giorgio Gubbiotti: Algebraic Entropy of a Class of Five-Point Differential-Difference Equations, Symmetry, 11 (2019), no. 432, 1–24.

10. Gubbiotti G, Latini D
G Gubbiotti and D Latini: A multiple scales approach to maximal superintegrability, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 51 (2018), 285201 (36 pages).

11. Gubbiotti G, Scimiterna C, Yamilov RI
G Gubbiotti, C Scimiterna, R I Yamilov: Darboux integrability of trapezoidal H4 and H6 families of lattice equations II: General solutions, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 14 (2018), no. 2, Article No. 008.

12. Gubbiotti G, Scimiterna C
Giorgio Gubbiotti and Christian Scimiterna: Reconstructing a Lattice Equation: a Non-Autonomous Approach to the Hietarinta Equation, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 14 (2018), 21 pages.

Number of matches: 12