


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. He XZ
Xue-Zhong He: Stability and delays in a predator-prey system. II, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 7 (2000), no. 2, 177–187. MR1744972

2. Gopalsamy K, He XZ
K Gopalsamy K and Xue-Zhong He: Oscillations and convergence in an almost periodic competition system, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 46 (1997), no. 3, 247–266. 98m:92028

3. He XZ, Gopalsamy K
Xue-Zhong He and K Gopalsamy: Persistence, attractivity, and delay in facultative mutualism, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 215 (1997), no. 1, 154–173. MR1478857

4. Wen L, Chen Y, He XZ
Lizhi Wen, Yongshao Chen and Xuezhong He: Asymptotic behavior of a class of fourth order nonlinear functional differential equation with delays, Differential Equations and Control Theory, Differential Equations and Control Theory, Zongqi Deng, Zhaojun Liang, Guang Lu and Shigui Ruan (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York. Basel. Hong Kong, (1996), 371–376. ISBN 0-8247-9658-6. 96k:34156

5. He XZ
Xue-zhong He: Stability and delays in a predator-prey system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 198 (1996), 355–370. 97a:92009

6. Gopalsamy K, He XZ
Gopalsamy K, He XZ: Dynamics of an almost periodic logistic integrodifferential equation, Methods in Applied Analysis, 2 (1996), 38–66.

7. Wen L, Chen Y, He XZ
Wen L, Chen Y, He XZ: Asymptotic behavior of a class of fourth order nonlinear functional differential equation with delays, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Z. Deng, Z. Liang, G. Lu and S. Ruan (eds.), 176 Addison Wesley, (1995),

8. He XZ
He XZ: On stability of a certain nonlinear delay large-scale system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 15 (1995), 236–242. MR1397639

9. He XZ
He XZ: Global attractivity of linear nonautonomous neutral differential-difference equations, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 11 (1995), 184–191. MR1343312

10. Gopalsamy K, Li J, He XZ
Gopalsamy K, Li J, He XZ: On the construction of periodic solutions of Kaplan-Yorke type for some differential delay equations, Applicable Analysis, 59 (1995), 65–80. 97c:34140

11. Gopalsamy K, He XZ, Sun DQ
Gopalsamy K, He XZ, Sun DQ: On the stability and oscillations of solutions of neutral parabolic equations, International Journal of Systems Science, 26 (1995), 563–576.

12. Gopalsamy K, He XZ
Gopalsamy K, He XZ: Dynamics of an almost periodic logistic integrodifferential equation, Methods in Applied Analysis, 2 (1995), 38–66. 96c:45012

Number of matches: 12