


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Henery R

1. Henery R, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
R. Henery, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Potential fields in vascular smooth muscle generated by transmitter release from sympathetic varicosities, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 218 (2002), 531–548. MR2027548

2. Gibson WG, Henery R, Farnell L, Bennett MR
W.G. Gibson, R. Henery, L. Farnell, M.R. Bennett: Transmission to smooth muscle cells at intimal surface of blood vessels due to release of ATP from sympathetic varicosities, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Twentyfirst Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (2001), 110.

3. Henery R, Robinson J, Bennett MR
R.J. Henery, J. Robinson, M.R. Bennett: Methods for grouping shapes of synaptic currents recorded from sets of synapses, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 86 (1998), 79–90.

4. Henery R, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
R. Henery, W.G. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Quantal currents and potential in the three-dimensional anisotropic bidomain model of smooth muscle, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 59 (1997), 1047–1075.

5. Henery R, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
Rowena Henery, W.G. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Quantal currents and potential in the three-dimensional anisotropic bidomain of the vas deferens, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society. Sixteenth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Australian Neuroscience Society, Adelaide, SA, Australia, (1996), 148.

Number of matches: 5