


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Jarvis PD, Zhang RB
P D Jarvis, R B Zhang: Resolution of the \(\mathrm{GL}(3)\supset \mathrm{O}(3)\) state labelling problem via the \(\mathrm{O}(3)\)-invariant Bethe subalgebra of the twisted Yangian, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 38 (2005), no. 14, L219–L226. MR2161723

2. Jarvis PD, Warner RC, Yung CM, Zhang RB
Jarvis P. D., Warner R. C., Yung C. M., Zhang R. B.: The BRST operator of \(U_q(\mathrm{ sl}(2))\) and real forms. Addendum: ``BRST cohomology for \(U_q(\mathrm{ sl}(2))\) representations'' [J. Phys. A {\bf 25} (1992), no. 14, L895--L900; MR1173528 (93e:17019)], J. Phys. A, 27 (1994), no. 5, 1787–1790. MR1279530

3. Jarvis PD, Warner Roland C, Yung CM, Zhang RB
Jarvis P. D., Warner Roland C., Yung C. M., Zhang R. B.: BRST cohomology for \(U_q(\mathrm{ sl}(2))\) representations, J. Phys. A, 25 (1992), no. 14, L895–L900. MR1173528

4. Jarvis PD, Zhang RB
Jarvis P. D., Zhang R. B.: \(c=1\) coset models and their fusion algebras. Proceedings of the Conference on Yang-Baxter Equations, Conformal Invariance and Integrability in Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory, Internat. J. Modern Phys. B, 4 (1990), no. 5, 979–993. MR1064756

5. Jarvis PD, Zhang RB
Jarvis P. D., Zhang R. B.: Extended algebras at \(c=1\), coset models and the fusion rules, Phys. Lett. B, 225 (1989), no. 1-2, 112–116. MR1006394

6. Jarvis PD, Zhang RB
Jarvis P. D., Zhang R. B.: Affine superalgebras, unitary representations and the Sugawara construction, Nuclear Phys. B, 313 (1989), no. 1, 205–219. MR984294

7. Jarvis PD, Zhang RB
Jarvis P. D., Zhang R. B.: Unitary Sugawara constructions for affine superalgebras, Phys. Lett. B, 215 (1988), no. 4, 695–700. MR973586

8. Delbourgo R, Jarvis PD, Zhang RB, Thompson G
Delbourgo R., Jarvis P. D., Zhang R. B., Thompson G.: Gauge fixing of stringlike models via \(\mathrm{ OSp}(D/2)\), Modern Phys. Lett. A, 3 (1988), no. 3, 303–309. MR927053

Number of matches: 8