


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Johnson MS, Walters RFC
Johnson MS, Walters RFC: Category theoretic modelling of digital circuits and systems, Pan-Commonwealth conference on mathematical modelling in circuit designs, Kandy, Sri Lanka, May 1992, Commonwealth Science Council, (1992), MR1194840

2. Johnson MS, Walters RFC
Johnson MS, Walters RFC: Algebra objects and algebra families for finite limit theories, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 83 (1992), 283–293. 94d:18003

3. Johnson MS, Sun SH
Johnson M, Sun SH: Remarks on representations of universal algebras by sheaves of quotient algebras, Proceedings of the International Summer Category Theory Meeting, June 1991, 13 (1992), 299–307. MR1192153

4. Dampney C, Johnson MS, Monro GP
Dampney C, Johnson M, Monro GP: An illustrated mathematical foundation for ERA, Proceedings of the Conference on Unified Computing, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Oxford University Press, (1992), 77–84.

5. Sun SH, Johnson MS
Sun SH, Johnson MS: Remarks on sheaf representation theorems of universal algebras, Category Theory 1991, McGill University Montreal, 1991, (1991),

6. Johnson MS, Walters RFC
Johnson M, Walters RFC: On the nerve of an \(n\)-category, Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 28 (1987), 257–282. 89e:18014

Number of matches: 6