


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Baird TJ, Cornwell P, Cox G, Jones CKRT, Marangell R
Thomas J Baird, Paul Cornwell, Graham Cox, Christopher Jones and Robert Marangell: Generalized Maslov indices for non-Hamiltonian systems, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 54 (2022), no. 2, 1623–1668.

2. Jones CKRT, Marangell R, Miller PD, Plaza RG
Christopher KRT Jones, Robert Marangell, Peter D Miller and Ramón G Plaza: On the Spectral and Modulational Stability of Periodic Wavetrains for Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equations, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society (New Series), 47 (2016), no. 2, 417–429. MR3514411

3. Roberts A, Widiasih E, Jones CKRT, Wechselberger M
Andrew Roberts, Esther Widiasih, Chris K. R. T. Jones, Martin Wechselberger: Mixed mode oscillations in a conceptual climate model, Physica D, 292-293 (2015), 70–83.

4. Jones CKRT, Marangell R, Miller PD, Plazad RG
Christopher K.R.T. Jones, Robert Marangell, Peter D Miller, Ramón G Plazad: Spectral and modulational stability of periodic wavetrains for the nonlinear Klein--Gordon equation, Journal of Differential Equations, 257 (2014), no. 12, 4632–4703.

5. Jones CKRT, Marangell R, Miller PD, Plaza RG
Christopher K R T Jones, Robert Marangell, Peter D Miller, Ramón G Plaza: On the stability analysis of periodic sine--Gordon traveling waves, Physica D, 251 (2013), 63–74.

6. Jones CKRT, Latushkin Y, Marangell R
C.K.R.T. Jones, Y. Latushkin, and R. Marangell: The Morse and Maslov indices for matrix Hill's equations, Spectral Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: A Festschrift in Honor of Fritz Gesztesy's 60th Birthday, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, (2013), 205–235. ISBN 978-0-8218-7574-2. MR3087908

7. Jones CKRT, Marangell R, Miller PD, Plaza RG
Christopher K R TJones, Robert Marangell, Peter D Miller, Ramón G Plaza: On the stability analysis of periodic sine--Gordon traveling waves, Physica D, 251 (2013), 63–74.

8. Jones CKRT, Marangell R
Christopher K R T Jones and Robert Marangell: The spectrum of travelling wave solutions to the sine-Gordon equation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S, 5 (2012), no. 5, 925–937. MR2877356

9. Marangell R, Susanto H, Jones CKRT
R Marangell, H Susanto, C K R T Jones: Unstable gap solitons in inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 253 (2012), no. 4, 1191–1205. MR2925910

10. Beck M, Jones CKRT, Schaeffer D, Wechselberger M
Margaret Beck, Christopher K. R. T. Jones, David Schaeffer, Martin Wechselberger: Electrical Waves in a One-Dimensional Model of Cardiac Tissue, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 7 (2008), no. 4, 1558–1581. MR2470977

11. Balasuriya S, Mezic I, Jones CKRT
Balasuriya S, Mezic I and Jones CKRT: Weak finite-time Melnikov theory and 3-D viscous perturbations of Euler flows, Physica D, 176 (2003), 82–106. MR1957426

12. Balasuriya S, Jones CKRT
Balasuriya S and Jones C K R T: Diffusive draining and growth of eddies, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 8 (2001), 241–251.

13. Sandstede B, Balasuriya S, Jones CKRT, Miller PD
Sandstede B, Balasuriya S, Jones C K R T, Miller P: Melnikov theory for finite-time vector fields, Nonlinearity, 13 (2000), 1357–1377. 2001h:37046

14. Balasuriya S, Jones CKRT, Sandstede B
Balasuriya S, Jones C K R T and Sandstede B: Viscous perturbations of vorticity-conserving flows and separatrix splitting, Nonlinearity, 11 (1998), 47–77. MR1492950

Number of matches: 14