


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Kress JM

1. Durrant CJ, Kress JM, Wilson PR
C. J. Durrant, J. M. Kress and P. R. Wilson: The evolution of trailing plumes from active regions, Solar Physics, 201 (2001), 57–69.

2. Kress JM, Wilson PR
J M Kress, P R Wilson: Simulations of the polar field reversals during cycle 22, Solar Physics, 194 (2000), 1–17.

3. Snodgrass HB, Kress JM, Wilson PR
H.B. Snodgrass, J.M. Kress and P.R. Wilson: Observations of the polar magnetic fields during the polarity reversals of cycle 22, Solar Physics, 191 (2000), 1–19.

4. Kress JM, Wilson PR
J M Kress and P R Wilson: The evolution of isolated active regions, Solar Physics, 189 (1999), 147–161.

5. Glass EN, Kress JM
E. N. Glass and Jonathan Kress: Solutions of Penrose's equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40 (1999), 309–317. 2000g:83018

Number of matches: 5