


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Chan JSK, Lam CPY, Choy B
JSK Chan, CPY Lam and Boris Choy: An innovative financial time series model: The Geometric Process model, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 251 (2014), 81–99.

2. Chan JSK, Choy STB, Lam CPY
Jennifer S K Chan, S T Boris Choy and Connie P Y Lam: Modeling Electricity Price Using A Threshold Conditional Autoregressive Geometric Process Jump Model, Communications in Statistics -- Theory and Methods, 43 (2014), no. 10 - 12, 2505–2515.

3. Chan JSK, Lam CPY, Yu PLH, Choy STB, Chen CWS
J S K Chan, C PY . Lam, P L H Yu, S T B Choy, C W S Chen: A Bayesian conditional autoregressive geometric process model for range data, Computational Statistics & Data Analysi, 56 (2012), no. 11, 3006–3019. MR2943877

Number of matches: 3