


Publication Search Results

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1. Joshi N, Lasic Latimer T
Nalini Joshi, Tomas Lasic Latimer: Asymptotics of discrete \(q\)-Freud II orthogonal polynomials from the \(q\)-Riemann Hilbert problem, Nonlinearity, 36 (2023), no. 8, Article 3969 (39 pages).

2. Joshi N, Lasic Latimer T
Nalini Joshi, Tomas Lasic Latimer: Asymptotic Behaviours of \(q\)-orthogonal Polynomials from a \(q\)-Riemann Hilbert Problem, Constructive Approximation, online (2023), online.

3. Joshi N, Lasic Latimer T
Nalini Joshi and Tomas Lasic Latimer: On a class of \(q\)-orthogonal polynomials and the \(q\)-Riemann–Hilbert problem, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 477 (2021), no. 2254, Article no. 20210452 (15 pages).

4. Lasic Latimer T
Tomas Lasic Latimer: Unique positive solutions to \(q\)-discrete equations associated with orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 27 (2021), no. 5, 763–775.

Number of matches: 4