


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Leitao JC

1. Gupta S, Leitao JC, Altmann EG
S. Gupta, J. C. Leitao and E. G. Altmann: Efficient computation of statistical properties of coupled oscillators, Phys. Rev. E, 96 (2017), 012201.

2. Leitao JC, Lopes JMVP, Altmann EG
J. C. Leitao, J. M. Viana Parente Lopes and E. G. Altmann: Importance Sampling of Rare Events in Chaotic Systems, European Physics Journal B, 90 (2017), 181.

3. Gupta S, Leitao JC, Altmann EG
S. Gupta, J. C. Leitao and E. G. Altmann: Efficient computation of statistical properties of coupled oscillators, Phys. Rev. E, 96 (2017), 012201.

4. Sala M, Leitao JC, Altmann EG
M Sala, J C Leitao and E G Altmann: Searching chaotic saddles in high dimensions, Chaos, 26 (2016), no. 12, Art. 123124. MR3590178

5. Leitao JC, Miotto JM, Gerlach M, Altmann EG
J. C. Leitao, J.M. Miotto, M. Gerlach and E. G. Altmann: Is this scaling nonlinear?, Royal Society Open Science, 3 (2016), 150649. MR3540186

6. Fischer R, Leitao JC, Peixoto TP, Altmann EG
R. Fischer, J. C. Leitao, T. P. Peixoto and E. G. Altmann: Sampling motif-constrained ensembles of networks, Phys. Rev. Lett., 115 (2015), 188701.

7. Leitao JC, Lopes JMVP, Altmann EG
J. C. Leitao, J. M. Viana Parente Lopes and E. G. Altmann: Efficiency of Monte Carlo Sampling in Chaotic Systems, Phys. Rev. E, 90 (2014), 052916.

8. Leitao JC, Lopes JMVP, Altmann EG
J. C. Leitao, J. M. Viana Parente Lopes, E. G. Altmann: Monte Carlo Sampling in Fractal Landscapes, Phys. Rev. Lett., 110 (2013), 220601.

9. Altmann EG, Leitao JC, Lopes JV
E. G. Altmann, J. C. Leitao and J. Viana Lopes: Effect of noise in open chaotic billiards, Chaos, 22 (2012), 026114.

Number of matches: 9