


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Cohen AM, Murray SH
Arjeh M Cohen, Scott H Murray: An algorithm for Lang's theorem, Journal of Algebra, 322 (2009), no. 3, 675. MR2531217

2. Cohen AM, Haller S, Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Sergei Haller, Scott H. Murray: Computing in unipotent and reductive algebraic groups, LMS Journal of Computational Mathematics, 11 (2008), 343–366. MR2452553

3. Murray SH
Scott H. Murray: Representations of parabolic and Borel subgroups, Communications in Algebra, 35 (2007), no. 2, 455–459. MR2294610

4. Cohen AM, Murray SH, Taylor DE
Arjeh Cohen, Scott Murray and D. E. Taylor: Computing in groups of Lie type, Mathematics of Computation, 73 (2004), 1477–1498. MR2047097

5. Holmes PE, Linton SA, Murray SH
Petra E. Holmes, Stephen A. Linton, Scott H. Murray: Product replacement in the Monster group, Experimental Mathematics, 12 (2003), no. 1, 123–126. 2003h:20003

6. Cohen AM, Murray SH, Pollet M, Sorge V
Arjeh Cohen, Scott H. Murray, Martin Pollet and Volker Sorge: Certifying solutions to permutation group problems, Automated Deduction, CADE-19, F. Baader (ed.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Berlin, (2003), 257–273. ISBN 3-540-40559-3.

7. Leedham-Green CR, Murray SH
C.R. Leedham-Green and Scott H. Murray: Variants of product replacement, Computational and statistical group theory, Statistical methods in group theory, Robert Gilman, Vladimir Shpilrain, Alexei G. Myasnikov (eds.), Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Providence, (2002), 97–104. MR1929718

8. Murray SH
Scott H Murray: Conjugacy classes in maximal parabolic subgroups of general linear groups, Journal of Algebra, 233 (2000), 135–155. 2002f:20069

9. Murray SH, O'Brien EA
Scott H. Murray and E. A. O'Brien: Selecting base points for the Schreier-Sims algorithm for matrix groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 19 (1995), no. 6, 577–584. MR1370623

10. Celler F, Leedham-Green CR, Murray SH, Niemeyer AC, O'Brien EA
Frank Celler, C. R. Leedham-Green, Scott H. Murray, Alice C. Niemeyer and E. A. O'Brien: Generating random elements of a finite group, Communications in Algebra, 23 (1995), no. 13, 4931–4948. MR1356111

Number of matches: 10