


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Robert CP

1. Banterle M, Grazian C, Lee A, Robert CP
Banterle M., Grazian, C., Lee, A. and Robert, C.P.: Accelerating Metropolis-Hastings algorithms by Delayed Acceptance, Fundations of Data Science, 1 (2019), no. 2, 103–128.

2. Grazian C, Robert CP
Grazian, C., and Robert, C.P.: Jeffreys priors for mixture estimation: properties and alternatives, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 121 (2018), 149–163.

3. Grazian C, Masiani I, Robert CP
Grazian C., Masiani, I., and Robert C.P.: A discussion of "Bayesian model selection based on proper scoring rules" by A.P. Dawid and M. Musio, Bayesian Analysis, (2015),

4. Grazian C, Robert CP
C. Grazian, C.P. Robert: Jeffreys priors for mixture models, XLVII Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, XLVII Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, SIS (ed.), SIS, Cagliari, Italy, (2014), –. ISBN 9788884678744.

5. Grazian C, Robert CP
C. Grazian and C.P. Robert: Jeffreys prior for mixture estimation, Bayesian Statistics from Methods to Models and Applications, BAYSM 2014, S. Frühwirth-Schnatter, A. Bitto, G. Kastner, A. Posekany (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer, Vienna, Austria, (2014), 37–48. ISBN 978-3-319-16238-6.

Number of matches: 5