


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Wake GC

1. Gray BF, Macintosh AC, Wake GC
B. F. Gray, A. C. Macintosh and G. C. Wake: Analysis of the bifurcational behaviour of a simple model of vapour ignition in porous material, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A, A453 (1997), 281–301.

2. McIntosh AC, Gray BF, Wake GC
McIntosh AC, Gray BF, Wake GC: The ignition of combustible material in the presence of a damp atmosphere, Physics Letters. A, 191 (1994), 61–70.

3. Sisson RA, Swift A, Wake GC, Gray BF
Sisson RA, Swift A, Wake GC, Gray BF: The self heating of damp cellulosic materials: II. On the steady states of the spatially distributed case, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 50 (1993), 285–306. 94i:80003

4. Gray BF, Wake GC
Gray BF, Wake GC: Critical initial conditions for thermal ignition, Mathematical Computation and Modelling, 18 (1993), 65–75. MR1250093

5. Gray BF, Little SG, Wake GC
Gray BF, Little SG, Wake GC: The prediction of a practical lower bound for ignition delay times and a method of scaling times-to-ignition in large reactant masses from laboratory data -- II, 24th International Symposium on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, (1992), 1785–1791.

6. Gray BF, Merkin JH, Wake GC
Gray BF, Merkin JMH, Wake GC: Disjoint bifurcation diagrams in combustion systems, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 15 (1991), 25–33. 92g:80011

7. Gray BF, Graham-Eagle JG, Burnell JB, Wake GC
Gray BF, Graham-Eagle JG, Burnell JB, Wake GC: A new scaling of problems in combustion theory, Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Brown KJ, Lacey AA (eds.), Oxford Science Publications, Oxford University Press, (1991),

Number of matches: 7