


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Yu PLH

1. Chan JSK, Wan WY, Yu PLH
J S K. Chan, W Y Wan and P L H Yu: A Poisson geometric process approach for predicting drop-out and committed first-time blood donors, Journal of Applied Statistics, 41 (2014), no. 7, 1486–1503.

2. Chan JSK, Lam CPY, Yu PLH, Choy STB, Chen CWS
J S K Chan, C PY . Lam, P L H Yu, S T B Choy, C W S Chen: A Bayesian conditional autoregressive geometric process model for range data, Computational Statistics & Data Analysi, 56 (2012), no. 11, 3006–3019. MR2943877

3. Yu PLH, Chung KH, Lee CK, Lin F, Chan JSK
P L H Yu, K H Chung, C K Lee, C K Lin, J S K Chan: Predicting potential drop-out and future commitment for first time donors based on first one and a half years donation patterns: the case in Hong Kong Chinese Donors., Vox Sanguinis, 93 (2007), 57–63.

4. Chan JSK, Yu PLH, Lam Y, Ho APK
Jennifer SK Chan, Philip LH Yu, Yeh Lam and Alvin PK Ho: Modelling SARS data using threshold geometric process., Statistics in Medicine, 25 (2006), no. 11, 1826–1839. MR2227431

5. Yu PLH, Chan JSK, Fung WK
Philip LH Yu, Jennifer SK Chan and, Wing K Fung: Statistical exploration from SARS, American Statistician, 60 (2006), no. 1, 81–91. MR2224142

Number of matches: 5