


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Zhang W, Zheng CY, Kim PS
Wenjing Zhang, Collin Y Zheng, Peter S Kim: Bifurcations of a cancer immunotherapy model explaining the transient delayed response and various other responses, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 135 (2024), Article no. 108047 (21 pages).

2. Zheng CY, Kim PS
Collin Y. Zheng and Peter S. Kim: Mathematical model for delayed responses in immune checkpoint blockades, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 83 (2021), 106.

3. Easdown D, Papadopoulos G, Zheng CY
David Easdown, George Papadopoulos and Collin Zheng: Summer school versus term-time for fundamental mathematics at the tertiary level, International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 27 (2019), no. 5, 13–26.

4. Poladian L, Zheng CY
Leon Poladian and Collin Zheng: Context, connections and communication: using journal articles in undergraduate mathematics, International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 25 (2016), no. 5, 14–23.

Number of matches: 4