


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Farajollahi H, Luckock HC
Hossein Farajollahi and Hugh Luckock: Stochastic quantisation of locally supersymmetric models, (2004), preprint.

2. Scalas E, Gorenflo R, Luckock HC, Mainardi F, Mantelli M, Raberto M
Enrico Scalas, Rudolf Gorenflo, Hugh Luckock, Francesco Mainardi, Maurizio Mantelli, Marco Raberto: Anomalous waiting times in high-frequency financial data, Quantitative finance, 4 (2004), 695–702. MR2238629

3. Luckock HC
Luckock: A steady-state model of the continuous double auction, Quantitative Finance, 3 (2003), 385–404. MR2015235

4. Farajollahi H, Luckock HC
Farajollahi Hossein, Luckock Hugh: Dirac observables and the phase space of general relativity, General Relativity and Gravitation, 34 (2002), no. 10, 1685–1699. 2003m:83051

5. Davis S, Luckock HC
Davis Simon, Luckock Hugh: The quantum theory of the quadratic gravity action for heterotic strings, General Relativity and Gravitation, 34 (2002), no. 10, 1751–1765. 2003g:83112

6. Davis S, Luckock HC
Simon Davis and Hugh Luckock: The effect of higher-order curvature terms on string quantum cosmology, Physics Letters. B, 485 (2000), no. 4, 408–421. 2001c:83052

7. Graham R, Luckock HC
Robert Graham, Hugh Luckock: Cosmological time in quantum supergravity, Physical Review. D, 55 (1997), no. 4, 1943–1947. 97k:83083

8. Luckock HC
Hugh Luckock: Boundary terms for globally supersymmetric actions, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 36 (1997), no. 2, 501–507. 97m:81045

9. Luckock HC, Oliwa C
Luckock HC, Oliwa Chris: Quantisation of Bianchi class A models in supergravity and the probability density function of the universe, The Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting, The Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting, Robert T Jantzen, G Mac Keiser and Remo Ruffini (eds.), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pty Ltd, Singapore, (1996), 1020–1022. ISBN 9810220642.

10. Luckock HC
Hugh Luckock: Quantum cosmology, supersymmetry, and the problem of time, Proceedings of the First Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, David L. Wiltshire (ed.), Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, (1996), 175–190. ISBN 0 86396 430 3.

11. Graham R, Luckock HC
Robert Graham and Hugh Luckock: Cosmological Time in Quantum Supergravity, (1996), preprint.

12. Luckock HC, Oliwa C
Luckock HC, Oliwa C: The Cosmological Probability Density Function for Bianchi Class A Models in Quantum Supergravity, Physical Review. D, 51 (1995), no. 10, 5483–5490. 96b:83078

13. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Path Integral Methods, Applied Maths 4, (1995),

14. Luckock HC, Oliwa C
Luckock HC, Oliwa C: The Cosmological Probability Density Function for Bianchi Class A Models in Quantum Supergravity, (1994), preprint.

15. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Boundary terms for globally supersymmetric actions, (1994), preprint.

16. Luckock HC, Oliwa C
Luckock HC, Oliwa C: Quantisation of Bianchi IX Class A Models in Supergravity, and the Probability Density Function of the Universe, (1994),

17. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Path Integral Formulation of Coloured Noise, (1994),

18. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Quantum Supergravity, and some new ideas on Time and the Origin of the Universe, (1994),

19. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Boundary Corrections for Supersymmetry and Nicolai Maps, (1994),

20. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Supersymmetric Quantum Cosmology, The Fourth Monash General Relativity Workshop, Lun A, Brewin L, Chow E (eds.), Department of Mathematics, Monash University, (1994), 99–106.

21. Graham R, Luckock HC
Graham R, Luckock HC: The Hartle-Hawking state for the Bianchi IX model in Supergravity, Physical Review, D49 (1994), no. 10, R4981–R4984.

22. Graham R, Luckock HC
Graham R, Luckock HC: Nicolai Maps for Quantum Cosmology, Physical Review, D49 (1994), no. 6, 2786–2791. 95a:83053

23. Luckock HC, McKane AJ
Luckock HC, McKane AJ: A non-diagrammatic method for perturbative calculations in field theory, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 25 (1992), 3435. 93b:81173

24. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Boundary Conditions for Nicolai Maps, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 24 (1991), L1057–L1063. MR1127286

25. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Mixed Boundary Conditions in Quantum Field Theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 32 (1991), 1755–1766. 92h:81111

26. Luckock HC, McKane AJ
Luckock HC, McKane AJ: Path Integrals and non-Markov Processes: III. Calculation of the Escape-Rate Prefactor in the Weak-Noise Limit, Physical Review. A, 42A (1990), 1982–1996. 91k:82006

27. McKane AJ, Luckock HC, Bray AJ
McKane AJ, Luckock HC, Bray AJ: Path Integrals and non-Markov Processes: I. General Formalism, Physical Review. A, 41A (1990), 644–656. 91b:82032

28. Luckock HC, Moss IG
Luckock HC, Moss IG: The Quantum Geometry of Random Surfaces and Spinning Membranes, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 6 (1989), 1993–2027. 91f:81154

29. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Quantum Geometry of Strings with Boundaries, Annals of Physics, 194 (1989), 113–147. 90h:81173

30. Luckock HC, Moss IG, Toms DJ
Luckock HC, Moss IG, Toms DJ: Polyakov Strings in Background Fields: Wave Functions and Quantum Cosmology, Nuclear Physics. B, B297 (1988), 748–764. 89e:81115

31. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Black Hole Skyrmions, String Theory, Quantum Cosmology and Quantum Gravity, Integrable and Conformal Invariant Theories, 1986 Paris-Meudon Colloquium, de Vega HJ, Sanchéz N (eds.), World Scientific, (1987), MR0894773

32. Luckock HC, Moss IG
Luckock HC, *Moss IG: Black Holes have Skyrmion Hair, Physics Letters. A, 176B (1986), 341–345.

Number of matches: 32