


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Cox AG, Parker AE
Anton Cox and Alison Parker: Homomorphisms between Weyl modules for \(\mathrm{SL}_3(k)\), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 358 (2006), no. 9, 4159–4207. MR2219015

2. Cox AG, Martin PP, Parker AE, Xi C
A. G. Cox, P. P. Martin, A. E. Parker and C. Xi: Representation theory of towers of recollement: theory notes and examples, (2005), preprint.

3. Parker AE
Alison Parker: Good l-filtrations for q-GL_3(k), (2005), preprint.

4. Cox AG, Parker AE
Anton Cox and Alison Parker: Homomorphisms and higher extensions for Schur Algebras and symmetric groups, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 4 (2005), no. 6, 645–670. MR2192149

5. Parker AE
Alison Parker: Higher extensions between modules for SL_2, (2004), preprint.

6. Cox AG, Parker AE
Anton Cox and Alison Parker: Homomorphisms between Weyl modules for SL_3(k), (2004), preprint.

7. Erdmann K, Parker AE
Karin Erdmann and Alison E. Parker: On the global and \(\nabla\)-filtration dimensions of quasi-hereditary algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 194 (2004), 95–111. MR2086075

8. Mazorchuk V, Parker AE
Volodymyr Mazorchuk and Alison E. Parker: On the Relation Between Finitistic and Good Filtration Dimensions, Communications in Algebra, 32 (2004), 1903 – 1916. MR2099711

9. Parker AE
Alison E Parker: On the good filtration dimension of Weyl modules for a linear algebraic group, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 562 (2003), 5–21. MR2011328

10. Parker AE
A E Parker: The global dimension of schur algebras for \(\mathrm{GL}_2\) and \(\mathrm{GL}_3\), Journal of Algebra, 241 (2001), 340–378. MR1838856

Number of matches: 10