


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Goldys B, Jiao C, Kim KN
Beniamin Goldys, Chunxi Jiao and Kim Ngan Le: Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to the stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Slonczewski equation, Journal of Evolution Equations, 24 (2024), no. 4, 24–79.

2. Jiao C, Gottwald GA
Chunxi Jiao and Georg A. Gottwald: Levy flights as an emergent phenomenon in a spatially extended system, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 479 (2023), 20230349.

3. Jiao C, Kawai R
Chunxi Jiao, Reiichiro Kawai: Computable Primal and dual bounds for stochastic control, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58 (2020), no. 6, 3709–3733.

Number of matches: 3