


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Li Z:2

1. Abdel-Salam ASG, Sohail A, Sherin L, Azim QUA, Faisal A, Fahmy MA, Li Z
Abdel-Salam G Abdel-Salam, Ayesha Sohail, Lubna Sherin, Qurat Ul Ain Azim, Ayesha Faisal, Mohamed Abdelsabour Fahmy, Zhiwu Li: Optimization of tank engine crank shaft material properties, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 51 (2023), no. 6, 3066–3082.

2. Wang F, Sohail A, Tang Q, Li Z
Fuzhang Wang, Ayesha Sohail, Qiwei Tang, Zhiwu Li: Impact of fractals emerging from the fitness activities on the retail of smart wearable devices, Fractals, 1 (2022), 2240112.

Number of matches: 2