


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Quine MP
M P Quine: On the escape probability for a left or right continuous random walk, Annals of Combinatorics, 8 (2004), 221–223. MR2079932

2. Chiu SN, Molchanov IS, Quine MP
Chiu SN, Molchanov IS, Quine MP: Maximum likelihood estimation for germination-growth processes with application to neurotransmitters data, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 73 (2003), 725–732. MR2009433

3. Cowan R, Quine MP, Zuyev S
Richard Cowan, Malcolm Quine and Sergei Zuyev: Decomposition of gamma-distributed domains constructed from Poisson point processes, Advances in Applied Probability, 35 (2003), 56–69. 2004b:60119

4. Hayen A, Quine MP
A Hayen, M P Quine: Areas of components ofa Voronoi polygon in a homogeneous poisson process in the plane, Advances in Applied Probability, 34 (2002), 281–291. 2003d:60025

5. Chiu SN, Quine MP
Chiu S N, Quine M P: Central limit theorem for germination-growth models in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) with non-Poisson locations, Advances in Applied Probability, 33 (2001), no. 4, 751–755. 2002k:60110

6. Phipps MC, Quine MP
M C Phipps, M P Quine: A Primer of Statistics: Data Analysis, Probability, Inference, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, Sydney, (2001), 154. ISBN 1 74009 626 6.

7. Quine MP, Szczotka W
Quine, M.P. and Szczotka, W: A general linear birth and growth model, Advances in Applied Probability, 32 (2000), 1–23. 2002d:60042

8. Chiu SN, Quine MP, Stewart M
Chiu, S. N., Quine, M. P. and Stewart, M.: Nonparametric and parametric estimation for a linear birth-growth model, Biometrics, 56 (2000), 755–760.

9. Hayen A, Quine MP
Hayen, A. and Quine, M.P.: Calculating the proportion of triangles in a Poisson-Voronoi tessellation of the plane, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 67 (2000), 351–358. MR1815169

10. Hayen A, Quine MP
Hayen, A. and Quine, M.P.: The proportion of triangles in a Poisson-Voronoi tessellation of the plane, Advances in Applied Probability, 32 (2000), 67–74. 2001h:60019

11. Quine MP, Law JS
M P Quine, J S Law: Modelling random linear nucleation and growth by a Markov chain, Journal of Applied Probability, 36 (1999), 273–278. 2000d:60119

12. Quine MP, Seneta E
M P Quine, E Seneta: The generalization of the Kac-Bernstein theorem, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 19 (1999), 441–452. 2001e:62011

13. Quine MP, Szczotka W
M P Quine, W Szczotka: Existence and positivity of the limit in processes with a branching structure, Journal of Applied Probability, 36 (1999), 132–138. 2000k:60172

14. Quine MP
M P Quine: A central limit theorem for self-normalized products of random variables, Statistics and Probability Letters, 43 (1999), 137–143. 2000j:60033

15. Phipps MC, Quine MP
M C Phipps and M P Quine: A Primer of Statistics: Data Analysis, Probability, Inference, Prentice Hall, Sydney, Australia, (1998), 147. ISBN 0 7248 0961 9.

16. Quine MP
M P Quine: A simple proof of a Slutsky-type result, International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 29 (1998), no. 3, 471–473. 99c:60050

17. Quine MP, Szczotka W
Malcolm P Quine and W Szczotka: Asymptotic normality of processes with a branching structure, Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models, 14 (1998), no. 4, 833–848. 99k:60216

18. Chiu SN, Quine MP
S N Chiu and M P Quine: Central limit theory for growth models in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) with inhomogeneous arrivals, Annals of Applied Probability, 7 (1997), 802–814. 98j:60067

19. Quine MP
Quine, M. P.: A calculus-based proof of a Stirling formula for the Gamma function, International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 28 (1997), 914–917. MR1491305

20. Quine MP, Law JS
M.P. Quine and J.S. Law: Exact results for a secretary problem, Journal of Applied Probability, 33 (1996), 630–639. 97k:60127

21. Holst L, Quine MP, Robinson J
L. Holst, M.P. Quine and J. Robinson: A general stochastic model for nucleation and linear growth, Annals of Applied Probability, 6 (1996), 903–921. 97i:60093

22. Phipps MC, Quine MP
M.C.Phipps, M.P.Quine: A Primer of Statistics, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, NSW Australia, (1996), iv + 141pp. ISBN 0 7248 0946 5.

23. Quine MP, Szczotka W
M P Quine and W Szczotka: Aspects of the critical case of a generalised Galton-Watson branching process, Branching processes, Branching Processes: First world congress, 99 Springer, Lecture notes in Statistics, Berlin, (1995), 22 – 27. MR1351257

24. Phipps MC, Quine MP
Phipps MC, Quine MP: A Primer of Statistics, Prentice-Hall Australia, (1995), ISBN 0 7248 0936 8.

25. Quine MP
Quine MP: Generalisations of the Bienayme-Galton-Watson branching process, Annals of Applied Probability, 4 (1994), no. 4, MR1445774

26. Quine MP
Quine MP: Probability Approximations for Divisible Discrete Distributions, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 36 (1994), no. 3, 339–349. 95m:62026

27. Quine MP
Quine MP: A Result of Shepp, Applied Mathematics Letters, 7 (1994), no. 6, 33–34. 96e:60026

28. Thorne CP, Quine MP
Thorne CP, Quine MP: How reliable are reliability estimates and why soil engineers rarely use them, Probabilistic methods in Geotechnical engineering, Li KS, Lo CR (eds.), Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, (1993), 339–349.

29. Quine MP
Quine MP: On three characterizations of the normal distribution, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 14 (1993), no. 2, 257–263. 96b:62019

30. Quine MP, Quine S
Quine MP, Quine S: Estimation of infant mortality rates categorised by social class for an Australian population, Applied Statistics, 42 (1993), no. 2, 333–338.

31. Quine MP
Quine MP: Distribution Theory and Inference, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, (1993),

32. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: Estimation for a linear growth model, Statistics and Probability Letters, 15 (1992), 293–297.

33. Phipps MC, Quine MP
Phipps MC, Quine MP: Statistics for First Year Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, (1992), 71 pages.

34. Quine MP
Quine MP: Instantaneous growth on a line, Workshop on Stochastic systems, Canberra, 13--17 May 1991, (1991),

35. Quine MP
Quine MP: A linear random growth model, Workshop on Stochastic systems, Canberra, 13--17 May 1991, (1991),

36. Quine MP
Quine MP: A model for instantaneous growth on a line, Journal of Applied Probability, 28 (1991), 529–538. 92m:60012

37. Quine MP
Quine MP: An elementary proof of Stirling's formula, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 18 (1991), 93–94. MR1133479

38. Robinson J, Hoglund T, Holst L, Quine MP
Robinson J, Hoglund T, Holst L, Quine MP: On approximating probabilities for small and large deviations on \(\mathbb{R}^d\), The Annals of Probability, 18 (1990), 727–753. 91i:60069

39. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: A linear random growth model, Journal of Applied Probability, 27 (1990), 499–509. 91i:60068

40. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: A Poisson process with inhibition, International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistical Data Analysis and Inference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 1989, (1989),

41. Quine MP
Quine MP: Models for nucleation and growth on a line, Symposium on Applied Probability, Sheffield, England August 1989, (1989),

42. Quine MP
Quine MP: A linear random growth model, Singapore Probability Conference, June 1989, (1989),

43. Kennedy JE, Quine MP
Kennedy JE, Quine MP: The total variation distance between the binomial and Poisson distribution, The Annals of Probability, 17 (1989), 396–400. 90i:60020

44. Holst L, Kennedy JE, Quine MP
Holst L, Kennedy JE, Quine MP: Rates of Poisson convergence for some coverage and urn problems using coupling, Journal of Applied Probability, 25 (1988), 717–724. 89i:60021

45. Quine MP, Seneta E
Quine MP, Seneta E: Bortkiewicz's data and the law of small numbers, International Statistical Review, 55 (1987), 173–181. 89k:01020

46. Quine MP
Quine MP: Remainder term estimates in a conditional central limit theorem for integer-valued random variables, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 39 (1985), 75–85. 86i:60075

47. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: Efficiencies of chi-square and likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit tests, The Annals of Statistics, 13 (1985), 727–742. 86m:62095

48. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: Normal approximations to sums of scores based on occupancy numbers, The Annals of Probability, 12 (1984), 794–804. 85h:60035

49. Quine MP, Watson DF
Quine MP, Watson DF: Radial generation of n-dimensional Poisson processes, Journal of Applied Probability, 21 (1984), 548–557. 86c:60025

50. Quine MP
Quine MP: A Berry-Esseen bound for scores based on occupancy numbers, Probability and Mathematical Statistics: Essays in honour of Carl-Gustav Esseen, Uppsala, Sweden, (1983), 140–153. MR0727134

51. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: A Berry-Esseen bound for an occupancy problem, The Annals of Probability, 10 (1982), 663–671. 83i:60027

52. Quine MP
Quine MP: Three limit theorems for scores based on occupancy numbers, The Annals of Probability, 8 (1980), 148–156. 81b:60024

53. Quine MP
Quine MP: A functional central limit theorem for a generalized occupancy problem, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 9 (1979), 109–115. 80j:60042

54. Erickson RV, Quine MP, Weber NC
Erickson RV, Quine MP, Weber NC: Explicit bounds from normality of sums of dependent random variables, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 34 (1979), 27–32. MR0546715

55. Bennett MR, Fisher C, Florin T, Quine MP, Robinson J
Bennett MR, Fisher C, Florin T, Quine MP, Robinson J: The effect of calcium ions and temperature on the binomial parameters that control acetylcholine release by a nerve impulse at amphibian neuromuscular synapses, Journal of Physiology, 271 (1977), 641–672.

56. John RD, Quine MP
John RD, Quine MP: Computing the root of an equation occurring in queueing theory and branching processes, INFOR, 15 (1977), 72–75.

57. Durham P, Quine MP
Durham P, Quine MP: Estimation for multitype branching processes, Journal of Applied Probability, 14 (1977), 829–835. 58:24789

58. Quine MP
Quine MP: Asymptotic results for estimators in a subcritical branching process with immigration, The Annals of Probability, 4 (1976), 319–325. 53:4417

59. Quine MP
Quine MP: Bounds for the extinction probability of a simple branching process, Journal of Applied Probability, 13 (1976), 9–16. 52:15714

60. Quine MP
Quine MP: Appendix to ``Formation of one-dimensional patterns by stochastic processes and by filamentous blue-green algae" by C. P. Wolk, Developmental Biology, 46 (1975), 370–382.

61. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: Rates of convergence for some statistics from empirical distribution functions, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 17 (1975), 8–11. 52:12170

62. Koul HL, Quine MP
Koul HL, Quine MP: The Bahadur efficiency of the Reimann-Vincze statistics, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 9 (1974), 399–403. 58:18884

63. Quine MP
Quine MP: The multi-type Galton-Watson process with \(\rho\) near 1, Advances in Applied Probability, 4 (1972), 429–452. 49:6394

64. Fahady KS, Quine MP, Vere-Jones D
Fahady KS, Quine MP, Vere-Jones D: Heavy traffic approximations for the Galton-Watson process, Advances in Applied Probability, 3 (1971), 282–300. 44:6053

65. Quine MP
Quine MP: A note on the moment structure of the multitype Galton-Watson process, Biometrika, 57 (1970), 219–222.

66. Quine MP
Quine MP: The multi-type Galton-Watson process with immigration, Journal of Applied Probability, 7 (1970), 411–422. 41:7773

67. Quine MP, Seneta E
Quine MP, Seneta E: A limit theorem for the Galton-Watson process with immigration, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 11 (1969), 166–173.

Number of matches: 67