


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Donnelly PE, Winch DE, Pollard J
Peter E Donnelly, Denis E Winch, and John Pollard: "Thyroid Steal"—A Historical Approach to Thyroid Surgery for Graves' Disease, Thyroid, 26 (2016), no. 4, Page 611.

2. Ivers DJ, Jackson A, Winch DE
D J Ivers, A Jackson and D Winch: Enumeration, orthogonality and completeness of the incompressible Coriolis modes in a sphere, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 766 (2015), 468–498.

3. Donnelly PE, Tan K, Winch DE
Peter Donnelly, Kris Tan and Denis Winch: Inhibin B Levels iin Hypothyroid Males, Thyroid, 23 (2013), no. 11, 1379–1382.

4. Stening RJ, Winch DE
R J Stening and D E Winch: The ionospheric Sq current system obtained by spherical harmonic analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118 (2013), no. 3, 1288–1297.

5. Lowes FJ, Winch DE
F J Lowes and D E Winch: Orthogonality of harmonic potentials and fields in spheroidal and ellipsoidal coordinates: application to geomagnetism and geodesy, Geophysical Journal International, 191 (2012), no. 2, 491–507.

6. Gubbins D, Ivers DJ, Masterton M, Winch DE
D Gubbins, D Ivers, M Masterton and D E Winch: Analysis of lithospheric magnetization in vector spherical harmonics, Geophysical Journal International, 187 (2011), 99–117.

7. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
Robert Stening, Tamara Reztsova, David Ivers, Jonathan Turner, Denis Winch: Spherical cap harmonic analysis of magnetic variations data from mainland Australia, Earth, Planets and Space, 60 (2008), 1177–1186.

8. Turner JPR, Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Stening RJ
J P R Turner, D E Winch, D J Ivers and R J Stening: Regular daily variations in satellite magnetic total intensity data, Annales Geophysicae, 25 (2007), 2167–2174.

9. Winch DE
Denis Winch: Internal External Field Separation, Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, (2007), 448–452.

10. Winch DE
Denis Winch: Periodic External Fields, Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, (2007), 809–816.

11. Winch DE
Denis Winch: Harmonics, Spherical, Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, (2007), 377–394.

12. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
Robert Stening, Tamara Reztsova, David Ivers, Jon Turner and Denis Winch: A critique of methods of determining the position of the focus of the Sq current system, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (2005), 1–9.

13. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
R Stening, T Reztsova, D Ivers, J Turner and D Winch: Morning quiet-time ionospheric current reversal at mid to high latitudes, Annales Geophysicae, 23 (2005), 385–391.

14. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: Geomagnetism and Schmidt quasi-normalization, Geophysical Journal International, 160 (2005), 487–504.

15. Turner JPR, Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Stening RJ
Jon Turner, Denis Winch, David Ivers, Robert Stening: Analysis of satellite magnetic data, Exploration Geophysics, 36 (2005), 317–321.

16. James ME, Rastogi RG, Winch DE
James ME, Rastogi RG, Winch DE: Magnetic disturbance effect on geomagnetic field at low latitudes, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 33 (2004), 88–94.

17. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Stening RJ: Satellite magnetic data and geomagnetic daily variations, Proceedings of the National Space Society of Australia Third Australian Space science Workshop, Third Australian Space Science Workshop, Wayne Short (ed.), National space society of Australia, Sydney, (2003), 1–13.

18. Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR and Winch DE: Equatorial electrojet from Oersted scalar magnetic field observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (2003), 1061 doi:10.1029/2002JA009310.

19. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: The dynamics of the equatorial electrojet, OIST-4 Proceedings, 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.), DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej, Copenhagen, (2003), 197–200. ISBN 87-7478-484-6.

20. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: SQ and L at satellite altitudes, OIST-4 Proceedings, 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.), DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej, Copenhagen, (2003), 193–200. ISBN 87-7478-484-6.

21. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: Schmidt Quasi-normalization, OIST-4 Proceedings, 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.), DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej, Copenhagen, (2003), 45–48. ISBN 87-7478-484-6.

22. Rastogi RG, Winch DE, James ME
R G Rastogi, D E Winch, and M E James: Longitudinal effects in geomagnetic disturbances at mid-latitudes, Earth Planets Space, 53 (2001), 969–979.

23. Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
D J Ivers, R J Stening, J Turner, and D E Winch: Orsted and Magsat scalar anomaly fields, Earth Planets Space, 52 (2000), 1213–1225.

24. Malin SRC, Winch DE, Isikara AM
S R C Malin, D E Winch and A M Isikara: Semi-annual variation of the geomagnetic field, Earth, Planets and Space, 51 (1999), 321–328.

25. Jackson A, Winch DE, Lesur V
Andrew Jackson, Denis Winch and Vincent Lesur: Geomagnetic effects on the Earth's ellipticity, Geophysical Journal International, 138 (1999), 285–289.

26. Winch DE, Davyskib A, Samsonov VA
D.Winch, A.Davyskib, V.A.Samsonov: Gyroscopic stabilisation of rotating artificial satellites by movable antennas, Mathematica Mechanica, 5 (1997), 69–71. MR1483300

27. Malin SRC, Winch DE
S. R. C. Malin and D. E. Winch: Annual variation of the geomagnetic field, Geophysical Journal International, 124 (1996), 170–174.

28. Winch DE, Roberts PH
Winch DE, *Roberts PH: Derivatives of addition theorems for Legendre functions, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series B), 37 (1995), 212–234. 96k:33022

29. Winch DE, Semenov V, Vanyan LL, Palshin NA
LL Van'yan, NA Pal'shin, V Yu Semenov and D Winch: Deep magnetotelluric sounding with the use of the Australia-New Zealand submarine cable 1. Analysis of experimental cable, Physics of the Solid Earth, 30 (1995), no. 9, 836–838.

30. Vanyan LL, Palshin NA, Semenov V, Winch DE
Vanyan LL, Palshin NA, Semenov VU, Winch DE: Glubinnoe magnitotellyricheskoe zondirovanie s ispoldzobaniem podbodnovo kabelya abstraliya-nobaya zelandiya. 1. Analys eksperimentalnik dannik, Rossiĭskaya Akademiya Nauk. Fizika Zemli, 9 (1994), 94–96.

31. Winch DE, Lin F
Winch DE, Lin F: Spherical Harmonic Analysis of POGS data, Buenos Aires Argentina, 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.), 55 IAGA, (1993),

32. Malin SRC, Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Malin SR, Runcorn SK, Winch DE: The One Cycle per year magnetic field variation, 7th Scientific Assembly Buenos Aires, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.), 55 IAGA, (1993), 396.

33. Goulter SW, Winch DE
Goulter SW, Winch DE: Hough Function Analysis of magnetic and meteorological data, Buenos Aires Argentina, 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.), 55 IAGA, (1993), 396.

34. Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE: The Pacific Cable Experiment, Buenos Aires Argentina August 1993, 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.), 55 IAGA, (1993), 146.

35. Winch DE
Winch DE: Secular Variation in Australia 1770-1990, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.), 55 IAGA, (1993),

36. Kuznetsov V, Palshin NA, Repin I, Emnov, Vanyan LL, Chave, Winch DE
Kuznetsov, Palshin N, Repin I, Emnov, Vanyan L, Chave, Winch DE: Submarine Studies of lithospheric resistance in the Pacific, Buenos Aires Argentina, 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.), IAGA Bulletin, 55 IAGA, (1993), 147.

37. Palshin NA, Repin I, Semenov V, Vanyan LL, Winch DE
Palshin N, Repin I, Semenov V, Vanyan L, Winch DE: MT-Sounding using Australian-New Zealand Submarine Cable, IAGA Bulletin, 7th Scientific Assembly, IAGA, Buenos Aires 1993, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.), 55 (1993), 147.

38. Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE: Geomagnetic Observatory Data and Oceanic Circulation, Conference Handbook, Australian Physical Oceanography Conference, John Middleton, David Wilkinson, Peter Tate (eds.), (1993), 1.

39. Winch DE
Winch DE: Solar and Lunar Daily Geomagnetic Variations, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, Charles Barton (ed.), AGSO, (1993), 33.

40. Winch DE, Runcorn SK
Winch DE, Runcorn SK: Geomagnetic Observatory Data and Ocean Circulation, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, Charles Barton (ed.), AGSO, (1993), 47.

41. Lin F, Winch DE
Lin F, Winch DE: Analysis of POGS Satellite Magnetic Data, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop (AGSO), Charles Barton (ed.), AGSO, (1993), 7.

42. Winch DE
Winch DE: Solar and Lunar Daily Geomagnetic Variations, Exploration Geophysics, Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, 24 (1993), 4.

43. Winch DE, Runcorn SK
Winch DE, Runcorn SK: Geomagnetic Observatory Data and Ocean Circulation, Exploration Geophysics, Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, 24 (1993), 5.

44. Lin F, Winch DE
Lin F, Winch DE: Analysis of POGS Satellite Magnetic Data, Exploration Geophysics, Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, 24 (1993), 4.

45. Winch DE
Winch DE: Keith Edward Bullen, Australian Dictionary of Biography, (1993),

46. Winch DE
Winch DE: Daily magnetic changes and the history of observatories since 1840, Progress in geomagnetism in Australia 1792-1992, (1992),

47. Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE: The origin of the geomagnetic annual variation, Surveys in Geophysics, 13 (1992), 69–70.

48. Baraclough D, Clark T, Cowley S, Hibberd F, Hide R, Kerridge D, Lowes FJ, Malin SRC, Murphy T, Risbeth H, Runcorn SK, Soffel H, Stewart D, Stuart W, Whaler K, Winch DE
Baraclough D, Clark T, Cowley S, Hibberd F, Hide R, Kerridge D, Lowes F, Malin S, Murphy T, Risbeth H, Runcorn S, Soffel H, Stewart D, Stuart W, Whaler K, Winch DE: 150 years of magnetic observatories: recent researches on world data, Surveys in Geophysics, 13 (1992), 47–88.

49. Barton CE, Winch DE, McEwin AJ, Hitchman AP, Hopgood PA
Barton CE, Winch DE, McEwin AJ, Hitchman AP, Hopgood PA: Evaluation over Australia of candidate models for IGRF90, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 44 (1992), 843–854.

50. Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE: The Pacific Cable Experiment, 20th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sünkel M, Hofmann-Wellenhoff B eds (eds.), IAGA Program and Abstracts, (1991), 607.

51. Winch DE
Winch DE: Singular value decomposition and \(S_q\) analysis, 20th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sünkel M, Hofmann-Wellenhoff B eds (eds.), IAGA Program and Abstracts, (1991), 603.

52. Winch DE, and others
Winch DE, et al: Eastward and westward moving components of \(S_q\) and \(L\), IAGA 6th scientific assembly Exeter, UK 1989, (1989),

53. Winch DE
Winch DE: Displaced daygraphs for the presentation of geomagnetic data, IAGA 6th scientific assembly Exeter, UK 1989, (1989),

54. Winch DE, and others
Winch DE, et al: Geoelectric potentials measured by ocean cables, IAGA 6th scientific assembly, Exeter, UK 1989, (1989),

55. Winch DE
Winch DE: Sydney-Auckland cable voltage analysis, 25th Austr. Appl. Maths. conference, Ballarat, Vic. 1989, (1989),

56. Winch DE
Winch DE: The earth's magnetic field, Journal of the Royal Society of London. Proceedings of New South Wales, 122 (1989), 1–9.

57. Winch DE
Winch DE: Lunar geomagnetic variations, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 131 (1989), 292–309.

58. Winch DE
Winch DE: Induction in a model ocean, Physics Earth Planet International, 53 (1989), 328–336.

59. Winch DE
Winch DE: Magnetic daily variations and conductivity studies, IUGG XIX general assembly, Vancouver 1987, (1987),

60. Winch DE
Winch DE: Global field models and the IGRF, BMR workshop on geomagnetic ref. fields, Canberra 1987, (1987),

61. Winch DE
Winch DE: Lunar magnetic variations, IUGG XIX general assembly, Vancouver 1987, (1987),

62. Winch DE
Winch DE: International geomagnetic reference field revision 1987, IAGA Division I Working Group I, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 39 (1987), 773–779.

63. Winch DE
Winch DE: International geomagnetic reference field revision 1987, IAGA Division I working Group I, IAGA News, 26 (1987), 87–92.

64. Winch DE
Winch DE: Geomagnetic variations, The Observatory, 107 (1987), 103–105.

65. Stening RJ, Winch DE
Stening RJ, Winch DE: Night-time geomagnetic variations at low latitudes, Planet. Space Sci., 12 (1987), 1523–1539.

66. Winch DE
Winch DE: The interdivisional commission: external/internal geomagnetic relations, IAGA News, 26 (1987), 67–75.

67. Winch DE, McEwin AJ, Barton CE
Winch DE, McEwin AJ, Barton CE: Evaluation of IGRF candidate models over the Australian region, Physics Earth Planet International, 48 (1987), 338–343.

68. Stening RJ, Winch DE
Stening RJ, Winch DE: The lunar geomagnetic tide at night, Geophysics Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 88 (1987), 461–476.

69. Winch DE
Winch DE: Induction in the ocean, IAGA working group I-3, 8th workshop on electromagnetic induction in Earth and Moon 1986, (1986),

70. Winch DE
Winch DE: International geomagnetic reference field revision 1985 IAGA Division I working Group I, Geophysics Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 85 (1986), 217–220.

71. Winch DE
Winch DE: The Australian Projection, Search, 17 (1986), 275.

72. Winch DE
Winch DE: The geomagnetic field and \(S_q\), Exploration Geophysics, 17 (1986), 17–18.

73. Winch DE
Winch DE: The Chapman-Whitehead theory of induction in the Earth, IAGA 5th general assembly, Prague 1985, (1985),

74. Winch DE
Winch DE: Mathematical limitations in the application of spherical harmonic analysis to \(S_q\) and \(L\) studies, IAGA 5th scientific assembly, Prague 1985, (1985),

75. Winch DE
Winch DE: Velocity fields at the core-mantle interface, IAGA 5th scientific assembly, Prague 1985, (1985),

76. Winch DE, and others
Winch DE, et al: Assessment of IGRF proposals for the Australian region, IAGA 5th scientific assembly, Prague 1985, (1985),

77. Winch DE
Winch DE: International geomagnetic reference field revision: Group 1, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 37 (1985), 1157–1163.

Number of matches: 77