


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Zhang RB
Ruibin Zhang: Noncommutative spaces for parafermions, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 201 (2024), 105192 (24 pages).

2. Iohara K, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
K Iohara, G I Lehrer, and R B Zhang: Equivalence of a tangle category and a category of infinite dimensional \(\mathrm{Uq}(\mathrm{sl}2)\)-modules, Representation Theory, 25 (2021), 265–299 (Free Access).

3. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: The second fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthosymplectic supergroup, Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 242 (2021), 52–76.

4. Lehrer GI, Zhang H, Zhang RB
Gustav I Lehrer, Hechun Zhang and Ruibin Zhang: First fundamental theorems of invariant theory for quantum supergroups, European Journal of Mathematics, 6 (2020), no. 3, 928–976.

5. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and R B Zhang: Mixed cohomology of Lie superalgebras, Journal of Algebra, 549 (2020), 1–29.

6. Iohara K, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
K Iohara, G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: Temperley-Lieb algebras at roots of unity, a fusion category and the Jones quotient, Mathematical Research Letters, 26 (2019), no. 1, 121–158. MR3963979

7. Coulembier K, Zhang RB
Kevin Coulembier, Ruibin Zhang: Borelic pairs for stratified algebras, Advances in Mathematics, 345 (2019), 53–115. MR3898256

8. Xu Y, Zhang RB
Ying Xu and R B Zhang: Quantum correspondences of affine Lie superalgebras, Mathematical Research Letters, 25 (2018), no. 3, 1009 – 1036.

9. Deligne P, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
P Deligne, G I Lehrer, R B Zhang: The first fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthosymplectic super group, Advances in Mathematics, 327 (2018), 4–24.

10. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
Gustav I. Lehrer and R. B. Zhang: Invariants of the special orthogonal group and an enhanced Brauer category, L'Enseignement Mathématique, 63 (2017), no. 1-2, 181–200. MR3777135

11. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: The First Fundamental Theorem of Invariant Theory for the Orthosymplectic Supergroup, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 349 (2017), no. 2, 661–702.

12. Wu Y, Zhang RB
Yuezhu Wu and R B Zhang: Integrable representations of the quantum affine special linear superalgebra, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 20 (2016), no. 3, 553–593. MR3565862

13. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and R B Zhang: Erratum to Character and Dimension Formulae for Queer Lie Superalgebra [Commun. Math. Phys., (2015), 333, (1465-1481), DOI 10.1007/s00220-014-2209-4], Communications in Mathematical Physics, 342 (2016), no. 2, 769–770.

14. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and R B Zhang: Generalised Jantzen Filtrationof Exceptional Lie Superalgebras, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 212 (2016), 635–676.

15. Wu Y, Zhang RB
Yuezhu Wu and R B Zhang: Integrable representations of affine \(A(m, n)\) and \(C(m)\) superalgebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 220 (2016), no. 4, 1434–1450.

16. Andersen H, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
Henning Andersen, Gustav Lehrer, Ruibin Zhang: Cellularity of certain quantum endomorphism algebras, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 279 (2015), no. 1-2, 11–36.

17. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer, R B Zhang: The Brauer category and invariant theory, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 17 (2015), 2311–2351.

18. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and R B Zhang: Character and Dimension Formulae for Queer Lie Superalgebra, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 333 (2015), 1465–1481.

19. Zhang RB
Ruibin Zhang: Serre presentations of Lie superalgebras, Advances in Lie Superalgebras, Springer INdAM Series 7, Springer, Switzerland, (2014), 235–280. ISBN 978-3-31902951-1. MR3205091

20. Xia C, Zhang RB
C Xia and RB Zhang: Unitary highest weight modules over block type lie algebras B(q), Journal of Lie Theory, 23 (2013), no. 1, 159–176.

21. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
Gustav Lehrer and Ruibin Zhang: The second fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthogonal group, Annals of Mathematics, 176 (2012), 2031–2054. MR2979865

22. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su, R B Zhang: Generalised Jantzen filtration of Lie superalgebras I., Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 14 (2012), no. 4, 1103–1133. MR2928846

23. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su, R B Zhang: Generalised Verma modules for the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra ospk|2, Journal of Algebra, 357 (2012), 94–115. MR2905244

24. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: Quantum group actions on rings and equivariant K-theory, Contemporary Mathematics, 565 (2012), 115–141. MR2932425

25. Chaichian M, Tureanu A, Zhang RB
M Chaichian, A Tureanu and R B Zhang: Extended Poincaré supersymmetry in three dimensions and supersymmetric anyons, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53 (2012), no. 7, 072302 (8 pages).

26. Coulembier K, Zhang RB
K Coulembier and R B Zhang: Invariant integration on orthosymplectic and unitary supergroups, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 45 (2012), 32 pages.

27. Lehrer GI, Nakano DK, Zhang RB
Gustav I Lehrer, Daniel K Nakano, Ruibin Zhang: Detecting cohomology for Lie superalgebras, Advances in Mathematics, 228 (2011), no. 4, 2098–2115.

28. Meng G, Zhang RB
Guowu Meng and Ruibin Zhang: Generalized MICZ-Kepler problems and unitary highest weight modules, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52 (2011), no. 4, 042106 (23 pages).

29. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB, Zhang H
G I Lehrer, Hechun Zhang, R B Zhang: A quantum analogue of the first fundamental theorem of classical invariant theory, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 301 (2011), 131–174.

30. Lam N, Zhang RB
Ngau Lam, R B Zhang: u-Cohomology formula for unitarizable modules over general linear superalgebras, Journal of Algebra, 327 (2011), 50–70.

31. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: A Temperley-Lieb analogue for the BMW Algebra, Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups, Progress in Mathematics, Birkhauser, USA, (2010), 348. ISBN 978-0-8176-4696-7.

32. Sun W, Wang D, Xie N, Zhang RB, Zhang X
Wen Sun, Ding Wang, Naqing Xie, R B Zhang, Xiao Zhang: Gravitational collapse of spherically symmetric stars in noncommutative general relativity, The European Physical Journal C, 69 (2010), 271–279.

33. Ke WF, Lai KF, Zhang RB
W F Ke, K F Lai and R B Zhang: Quantum codes from Hadamard matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 58 (2010), no. 7, 847–854.

34. Zhang RB, Zhang X
Ruibin Zhang and Xiao Zhang: Projective module description of embedded noncommutative spaces, Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 22 (2010), no. 5, 507–531. MR2658423

35. Liu X, Zhang RB
Xin LIU, Ruibin Zhang: Topological vortices in chiral gauge theory of graphene, Annals of Physics, 325 (2010), 384–391.

36. Wang D, Zhang RB, Zhang X
Ding Wang, R.B. Zhang, Xiao Zhang: Exact solutions of noncommutative vacuum Einstein field equations and plane-fronted gravitational waves, The European Physical Journal C, 64 (2009), 439–444. MR2563057

37. Wang D, Zhang RB, Zhang X
Ding Wang, R B Zhang and Xiao Zhang: Quantum deformations of Schwarzchild-de Sitter spacetimes, Classical Quantum Gravity, 26 (2009), no. 8, 085014–08528.

38. Wu Y, Zhang RB
Yuezhu Wu, R B Zhang: Unitary highest weight representations of quantum general linear superalgebra, Journal of Algebra, 321 (2009), 3568–3593. MR2510063

39. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
Gustav Isaac Lehrer and Ruibin Zhang: On Endomorphisms of Quantum Tensor Space, Letters in mathematical physics, 86 (2008), 209–227. MR2465755

40. Chaichian M, Tureanu A, Zhang RB, Zhang X
M Chaichian, A Tureanu, R B Zhang and Xiao Zhang: Riemannian geometry of noncommutative surfaces, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49 (2008), no. 7, 073511–1 (26 pp).

41. Cheng SJ, Wang W, Zhang RB
Shun-Jen Cheng, Weigiang Wang, R B Zhang: Super Duality and Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials, Transactions of the American mathematical society, 360 (2008), no. 11, 5883–5924. MR2425696

42. Billig Y, Molev AI, Zhang RB
Y. Billig, A. Molev and R. Zhang: Differential equations in vertex algebras and simple modules for the Lie algebra of vector fields on a torus, Advances in Mathematics, 218 (2008), 1972–2004. MR2431666

43. Zhang RB
R B Zhang: Orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras in superspace analogues of quantum Kepler problems, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 280 (2008), no. 2, 545–562. MR2395482

44. Chaichian M, Kulish PP, Tureanu A, Zhang RB, Zhang X
M Chaichian, P P Kulish, A Tureanu, R B Zhang and Xiao Zhang: Noncommutative fields and actions of twisted Poincaré algebra, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49 (2008), no. 4, 16 pp. MR2390766

45. Zhang G, Zhang RB
Guanglian Zhang and R B Zhang: Equivariant vector bundles on quantum homogeneous spaces, Mathematical research letters, 15 (2008), no. 2, 297–307. MR2452288

46. Cheng SJ, Wang W, Zhang RB
Shun-Jen Cheng, Weigiang Wang, R B Zhang: A Fock space approach to representation theory of osp(2|2n), Transformation Groups, 12 (2007), no. 2, 209–225. MR2323682

47. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and Ruibin Zhang: Cohomology of Lie SuperAlgebras \(\mathrm{SL}_{m|n}\) and \(\mathrm{OSP}_{2|2n}\), Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 94 (2007), no. 1, 91–136. MR2293466

48. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and Ruibin Zhang: Character and dimension formulae for general linear superalgebra, Advances in Mathematics, 211 (2007), no. 1, 1–33. MR2313526

49. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer, R B Zhang: Strongly multiplicity free modules for Lie algebras and quantum groups, Journal of Algebra, 306 (2006), no. 1, 138–174. MR2271576

50. Chebotar MA, Ke WF, Lee PH, Zhang RB
M.A. Chebotar, Wen-Fong Ke, P.-H. Lee, R.B. Zhang: On maps preserving zero Jordan products, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 149 (2006), no. 2, 91–101. MR2264576

51. Zhang H, Zhang RB
Hechun Zhang, R.B. Zhang: Dual canonical bases for the quantum general linear supergroup, Journal of Algebra, 304 (2006), no. 2, 1026–1058. MR2264289

52. Lam N, Zhang RB
Ngau Lam and R B Zhang: Quasi-finite modules for Lie superalgebras of infinite rank, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 358 (2005), no. 1, 403–439. MR2171240

53. Zhang H, Zhang RB
Hechun Zhang and R B Zhang: Canonical bases for the quantum special linear group and invariant subalgebras, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 73 (2005), 165–181. MR2188291

54. Dobrev VK, Zhang RB
V K Dobrev and R B Zhang: Positive energy unitary irreducible representations of the superalgebras \(\mathrm{osp}(1|2n, \mathbb{R})\), Akademiya Nauk SSR. Yadernaya Fizika, 68 (2005), no. 10, 1724–1732. MR2189518

55. Scheunert M, Zhang RB
M Scheunert, R B Zhang: Integration on Lie supergroups: A Hopf superalgebra approach, Journal of Algebra, 292 (2005), 324–342. MR2172158

56. Jarvis PD, Zhang RB
P D Jarvis, R B Zhang: Resolution of the \(\mathrm{GL}(3)\supset \mathrm{O}(3)\) state labelling problem via the \(\mathrm{O}(3)\)-invariant Bethe subalgebra of the twisted Yangian, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 38 (2005), no. 14, L219–L226. MR2161723

57. Zhang RB, Zou YM
R B Zhang, Y M Zou: Spherical functions on homogeneous superspaces, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46 (2005), no. 4, 21. MR1889133

58. Dobrev VK, Zhang RB, Zlatev BS
Dobrev V. K., Zhang R. B., Zlatev B. S.: On the unitarity of \(D=9,10,11\) conformal supersymmetry, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Quantum theory and symmetries, dedicated to the memory of Professor Freydoon Mansouri, Cincinnati, OH., P. C. Argyres, T. J. Hodges, J. J. Scanio, P. Suranyi and L. C. R. Wijewardhana (eds.), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, (2004), 71–76. ISBN 981-256-068-8. MR2170714

59. Dobrev VK, Miteva AM, Zhang RB, Zlatev BS
V K Dobrev, A M Miteva, R B Zhang, B S Zlatev: On the unitarity of \(D=9,\, 10,\, 11\) conformal supersymmetry, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 (2004), 1249–1255. MR2123679

60. Zhang RB
R B Zhang: Quantum superalgebra representations on cohomology groups of non-commutative bundles, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 191 (2004), 285–314. MR2059616

61. Molev AI, Tolstoy VN, Zhang RB
A. I. Molev, V. N. Tolstoy and R. B. Zhang: On irreducibility of tensor products of evaluation modules for the quantum affine algebra, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 37 (2004), 2385 – 2399. MR2045932

62. Cheng SJ, Lam N, Zhang RB
Shun-Jen Cheng, Ngau Lam and R. B. Zhang: Character formula for infinite-dimensional unitarizable modules of the general linear superalgebra, Journal of Algebra, 273 (2004), no. 2, 780–805. MR2037723

63. Cheng SJ, Zhang RB
Shun-Jen Cheng and R.B. Zhang: An Analogue of Kostant's u-Cohomology Formula for the General Linear superalgebra, International Mathematics Research Notices, 1 (2004), 31–53. MR2036954

64. Cheng SJ, Zhang RB
Shun-Jen Cheng and R. B. Zhang: Howe duality and combinatorial character formula for orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras, Advances in Mathematics, 182 (2004), 124–172. MR2028498

65. Lai KF, Zhang RB
K F Lai and R B Zhang: Multiplicity free actions of quantum groups and generalized Howe duality, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 64 (2003), 255–272. MR2009264

66. Zhang RB
Zhang R B: Howe duality and the quantum general linear group, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 131 (2003), 2681–2692. 2004b:17036

67. Zhang RB
R B Zhang: Quantum enveloping superalgebras and link invariants, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 43 (2002), 2029–2048. 2003a:17022

68. Scheunert M, Zhang RB
M Scheunert, R B Zhang: The general linear supergroup and its Hopf superalgebra of regular functions, Journal of Algebra, 254 (2002), 44–83. 2003h:16069

69. Scheunert M, Zhang RB
M Scheunert, R B Zhang: Invariant integration on classical and quantum Lie supergroups, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 42 (2001), 3871–3897. 2002j:17036

70. Luan PG, Lee HC, Zhang RB
Pi-Gang Luan, H. C. Lee and R. B. Zhang: Colored solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation from representations of Uq(gl(2))., Journal of Mathematical Physics, 41 (2000), no. 9, 6529–6543. 2001e:17027

71. Zhang RB
R. B. Zhang: Structure and representations of the quantum supergroup \(\mathop{\rm OSP}q(2|2n)\), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40 (2000), no. 9, 6639–6656. 2001j:20078

72. Carey AL, Paolucci A, Zhang RB
A. L. Carey, A. Paolucci and R. B. Zhang: Quantum group actions on the Cuntz algebra., Annales Henri Poincaré, 1 (2000), no. 6, 1097–1122. 2001m:17011

73. Van der Jeugt J, Zhang RB
Van der Jeugt, J. and Zhang, R. B.: Characters and composition factor multiplicities for the Lie superalgebra \(\mathfrak{gl}(m/n)\)., Letters in Mathematical Physics, 47 (1999), no. 1, 49–61. 2000a:17008

74. Scheunert M, Zhang RB
Scheunert, M. and Zhang, R. B.: The second cohomology of \(\mathop{\rm sl}(m\vert 1)\) with coefficients in its enveloping algebra is trivial., Letters in Mathematical Physics, 47 (1999), no. 1, 33–48. 99k:17039

75. Lee HC, Zhang RB
H. C. Lee and R. B. Zhang: Geometry and representations of the quantum supergroup \(\mathop{\rm OSP}q(1|2n)\), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40 (1999), no. 6, 3175–3190. 2000h:17013

76. Zhang RB
R. B. Zhang: Noncommutative differential geometry of quantum homogeneous vector bundles., Group22: Proceedings of the XXII International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Hobart, 1998), The XXII International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Corney, S.P.; Delbourgo, R.; Jarvis, P.D. (eds.), International Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, (1999), 443–447. ISBN 1-57146-054-4. 2000c:58014

77. Gover AR, Zhang RB
A. R. Gover and R. B. Zhang: Geometry of quantum homogeneous vector bundles and representation theory of quantum groups. I., Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 11 (1999), no. 9, 533–552. 2000j:81108

78. Zhang RB
R. B. Zhang: Vector coherent states for affine superalgebras and representations of \(\mathop{\rm osp}(1|2)\), Modern Physics Letters A, 14 (1999), no. 35, 2419–2425. 2001a:81102

79. Zhang RB
Zhang, R. B.: Geometry of quantum homogeneous supervector bundles and representation theory of quantum general linear supergroup, Proceedings of the 5th Wigner Symposium (Vienna, 1997), Peter Kasperkovitz and Dietrich Grau (eds.), Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., River Edge, NJ, (1998), 37–39. ISBN 981-02-3464-3. MR1881514

80. Zhang RB
Zhang, R. B.: Structure and representations of the quantum general linear supergroup, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 195 (1998), no. 3, 525–547. 99g:17037

81. Scheunert S, Zhang RB
Scheunert, M. and Zhang, R. B.: Cohomology of Lie superalgebras and their generalizations., Journal of Mathematical Physics, 39 (1998), no. 9, 5024–5061. 99f:17025

82. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Symmetrizable quantum affine superalgebras and their representations, J. Math. Phys., 38 (1997), no. 1, 535–543. MR1424671

83. Carey AL, Wang BL, Zhang RB, McCarthy J
Carey A. L., Wang B. L., Zhang R. B., McCarthy J.: Seiberg-Witten monopoles in three dimensions, Lett. Math. Phys., 39 (1997), no. 3, 213–228. MR1434233

84. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Topological invariants for lens spaces and exceptional quantum groups, Lett. Math. Phys., 41 (1997), no. 1, 1–11. MR1455028

85. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Bott-Borel-Weil construction for quantum supergroup \(U_q({\mathrm{gl}}(m|n))\), J. Math. Phys., 38 (1997), no. 7, 3863–3884. MR1455590

86. Delbourgo R, Zhang RB
Delbourgo R., Zhang R. B.: Minimal uncertainty states for quantum groups, J. Phys. A, 30 (1997), no. 10, L313–L316. MR1457943

87. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Vector coherent state realization of representations of the affine Lie algebra \(\widehat{\mathrm{sl}}(2)\), J. Phys. A, 30 (1997), no. 18, 6545–6551. MR1483211

88. Zhang RB, Carey AL
Zhang R. B., Carey A. L.: Quantum groups at odd roots of unity and topological invariants of \(3\)-manifolds, Comm. Math. Phys., 182 (1996), no. 3, 619–636. MR1461944

89. Zhang RB, Lee HC
Zhang R. B., Lee H. C.: Lickorish invariant and quantum \(\mathrm{ osp}(1|2)\), Modern Phys. Lett. A, 11 (1996), no. 29, 2397–2406. MR1412775

90. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: The \(\mathrm{ gl}(M|N)\) super Yangian and its finite-dimensional representations, Lett. Math. Phys., 37 (1996), no. 4, 419–434. MR1401045

91. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Quantum supergroups and topological invariants of three-manifolds, Rev. Math. Phys., 7 (1995), no. 5, 809–831. MR1346290

92. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Representations of super Yangian, J. Math. Phys., 36 (1995), no. 7, 3854–3865. MR1339907

93. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: The quantum super-Yangian and Casimir operators of \(U_q(\mathrm{ gl}(M|N))\), Lett. Math. Phys., 33 (1995), no. 3, 263–272. MR1321323

94. Links JR, Zhang RB
Links J. R., Zhang R. B.: Induced module construction for highest-weight representations of \(U_q(\mathrm{ gl}(n))\) at roots of unity, J. Phys. A, 27 (1994), no. 22, L861–L869. MR1310266

95. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Three-manifold invariants arising from \(U_q(\mathrm{ osp}(1|2))\), Modern Phys. Lett. A, 9 (1994), no. 16, 1453–1465. MR1285339

96. Jarvis PD, Warner RC, Yung CM, Zhang RB
Jarvis P. D., Warner R. C., Yung C. M., Zhang R. B.: The BRST operator of \(U_q(\mathrm{ sl}(2))\) and real forms. Addendum: ``BRST cohomology for \(U_q(\mathrm{ sl}(2))\) representations'' [J. Phys. A {\bf 25} (1992), no. 14, L895--L900; MR1173528 (93e:17019)], J. Phys. A, 27 (1994), no. 5, 1787–1790. MR1279530

97. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: A two-parameter quantization of \(\mathrm{ sl}(2/1)\) and its finite-dimensional representations, J. Phys. A, 27 (1994), no. 3, 817–829. MR1267451

98. Links JR, Zhang RB
Links J. R., Zhang R. B.: Multiparameter link invariants from quantum supergroups, J. Math. Phys., 35 (1994), no. 3, 1377–1386. MR1262752

99. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Finite-dimensional representations of \(U_q(C(n+1))\) at arbitrary \(q\), J. Phys. A, 26 (1993), no. 23, 7041–7059. MR1253894

100. Links JR, Zhang RB
Links J. R., Zhang R. B.: Eigenvalues of Casimir invariants of \(U_q(\mathrm{ gl}(m|n))\), J. Math. Phys., 34 (1993), no. 12, 6016–6024. MR1246266

101. Links JR, Gould MD, Zhang RB
Links J. R., Gould M. D., Zhang R. B.: Quantum supergroups, link polynomials and representation of the braid generator, Rev. Math. Phys., 5 (1993), no. 2, 345–361. MR1223526

102. Gould MD, Zhang RB, Bracken AJ
Gould M. D., Zhang R. B., Bracken A. J.: Quantum double construction for graded Hopf algebras, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 47 (1993), no. 3, 353–375. MR1220311

103. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Finite-dimensional irreducible representations of the quantum supergroup \(U_q(\mathrm{ gl}(m/n))\), J. Math. Phys., 34 (1993), no. 3, 1236–1254. MR1207983

104. Zhang RB
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105. Zhang RB
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107. Jarvis PD, Warner Roland C, Yung CM, Zhang RB
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108. Zhang RB
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110. Zhang RB, Gould MD
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111. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Graded representations of the Temperley-Lieb algebra, quantum supergroups, and the Jones polynomial, J. Math. Phys., 32 (1991), no. 10, 260–2613. MR1130532

112. Gould MD, Zhang RB, Bracken AJ
Gould M. D., Zhang R. B., Bracken A. J.: Generalized Gelʹfand invariants and characteristic identities for quantum groups, J. Math. Phys., 32 (1991), no. 9, 2298–2303. MR1122513

113. Bracken AJ, McAnally DS, Zhang RB, Gould MD
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114. Gould MD, Zhang RB, Bracken AJ
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115. Zhang RB, Gould MD, Bracken AJ
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116. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Multiparameter dependent solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, J. Phys. A, 24 (1991), no. 10, L535–L543. MR1118526

117. Zhang RB, Gould MD, Bracken AJ
Zhang R. B., Gould M. D., Bracken A. J.: Solutions of the graded classical Yang-Baxter equation and integrable models, J. Phys. A, 24 (1991), no. 6, 1185–1197. MR1105682

118. Zhang RB, Gould MD, Bracken AJ
Zhang R. B., Gould M. D., Bracken A. J.: From representations of the braid group to solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, Nuclear Phys. B, 354 (1991), no. 2-3, 625–652. MR1103067

119. Zhang RB, Bracken AJ, Gould MD
Zhang R. B., Bracken A. J., Gould M. D.: Solution of the graded Yang-Baxter equation associated with the vector representation of \(U_q(\mathrm{ osp}(M/2n))\), Phys. Lett. B, 257 (1991), no. 1-2, 133–139. MR1100868

120. Zhang RB, Gould MD, Bracken AJ
Zhang R. B., Gould M. D., Bracken A. J.: Quantum group invariants and link polynomials, Comm. Math. Phys., 137 (1991), no. 1, 13–27. MR1099254

121. Gould MD, Zhang RB
Gould M. D., Zhang R. B.: Classification of all star irreps of \(\mathrm{ gl}(m|n)\), J. Math. Phys., 31 (1990), no. 11, 2552–2559. MR1075732

122. Gould MD, Zhang RB
Gould M. D., Zhang R. B.: Unitary representations of basic classical Lie superalgebras, Lett. Math. Phys., 20 (1990), no. 3, 221–229. MR1074703

123. Zhang RB, Gould MD
Zhang R. B., Gould M. D.: Classification of star and grade-star representations of \(C(n+1)\), J. Math. Phys., 31 (1990), no. 8, 1889–1897. MR1067631

124. Jarvis PD, Zhang RB
Jarvis P. D., Zhang R. B.: \(c=1\) coset models and their fusion algebras. Proceedings of the Conference on Yang-Baxter Equations, Conformal Invariance and Integrability in Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory, Internat. J. Modern Phys. B, 4 (1990), no. 5, 979–993. MR1064756

125. Bracken AJ, Gould MD, Zhang RB
Bracken A. J., Gould M. D., Zhang R. B.: Quantum supergroups and solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, Modern Phys. Lett. A, 5 (1990), no. 11, 831–840. MR1057547

126. Gould MD, Zhang RB
Gould M. D., Zhang R. B.: Classification of all star and grade star irreps of \(\mathrm{ gl}(n|1)\), J. Math. Phys., 31 (1990), no. 6, 1524–1534. MR1054350

127. Bracken AJ, Zhang RB
Bracken A. J., Zhang R. B.: Equivalence of two character formulae for typical and singly atypical irreducible modules of \(\mathrm{sl}(m/n)\), J. Phys. A, 22 (1989), no. 22, L1049–L1053. MR1023496

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Number of matches: 144